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That night, the large passenger ship that docked at the port of Beztria was boarded by elegantly dressed passengers.

Handling the boarding procedures was a man dressed in his best attire. When he noticed Rishe, he smiled and approached her. "Welcome aboard. You are introduced by His Grace, the Duke of Tonia..."

Tonight, Rishe wore a revealing navy dress from among her collection. With her hair tied up and dangling earrings, she thanked the man processing her. "Nice to meet you. I am Elise, the eldest daughter of Viscount Bernstein."

Dressed for the soirée, Rishe smiled gracefully, using a pseudonym with ease while holding a fan. "I heard about this gathering from my friend Cornelia and decided to impose my sudden whim."

"No problem at all. We apologize for the delay in extending our invitation to the newly established household in Galkhein. Our manager onboard is also eagerly awaiting an opportunity to greet you."

Rishe and her companions hurriedly prepared to infiltrate the soirée. While feeling sorry for those they involved, Rishe's heart pounded with excitement.

(But... I wonder if I'm doing okay. Can I pull off playing the role of a "young noblewoman out for shopping" properly?)

She had some experience with acting, but what made Rishe nervous this time was the presence of her companions.

(This time feels a bit different... After all, the person accompanying me...)

"Will your family not be joining you, Miss Elise? Will you be boarding alone?"

"I... am the only one going shopping. However..." Then, Rishe directed her gaze towards the person standing a step behind her.

Standing beside Rishe was Arnold. Normally, in such situations, the one to initiate conversation would be Crown Prince Arnold, her future husband. But today was different.

With his bangs up and his forehead exposed, Arnold looked even more mature. Stepping forward and taking Rishe's hand, he spoke in a different, respectful tone.

"You'll get your clothes wet standing there. It's difficult to protect you from the waves, so come a little closer."

Then, in a quiet voice, Arnold addressed Rishe like this."—Miss."


The sound was somehow overwhelming, and Rishe felt her cheeks flush.

The man from the company smiled as if satisfied. "I see, you'll have an escort. Although we request you refrain from bringing swords onboard, if you still wish..."

"Yes, I understand...!" Although she hurriedly agreed, she couldn't hide her agitation.

At that moment, Rishe didn't miss Arnold's slightly amused glance as he observed her.

"Of course, but I'll accompany you," Arnold said to Rishe during the daytime, proposing her to be the bait as a candidate for merchandise.

"But, Your Highness. Even if I were to be targeted successfully, it's unlikely I'll be abducted tonight. They'll probably plan it discreetly for another day, so tonight should be safe..."

"That's not the issue. First of all, it would be unnatural for a young lady to be out alone." Arnold's words were valid. It would be cumbersome, but they decided to proceed with Arnold accompanying her.

"If we're using a fabricated noble title, we can't have His Highness and I belonging to the same family. In that case, playing the roles of husband and wife would be inappropriate."

Tilting his head, Raul, with a bewildered expression, spoke up. "...Let's stop nitpicking about what you two monster spouses are up to for now. I agree with His Highness, it's better to avoid the husband and wife setup. It might render the whole operation pointless. If you're planning to be abducted as a candidate for slavery, the conditions they're looking for must match. As long as the rescued women haven't been mistreated, it's essential for the abducted women to be virgins. Therefore, married individuals are out."

However, this would complicate things.

"What should we do then? If we pose as engaged, we'd need another fictional family..." Rishe asked.

The new noble family Theodore forged wasn't just a name. It was meticulously crafted with a physical estate and achievements.

"Should we pretend to be siblings? His Highness as my older brother, and I as his sister?"

"Even siblings going out for shopping together would seem unnatural." Raul replied.

"I-is that so?" It seemed like a good idea, but Rishe lacked confidence in these matters as she was an only child.

"The need for noble status applies only to you, who will be playing the bait. I have no need for it, so it's natural for me to be by your side." Arnold said.

"Huh? What do you mean..."

Arnold squinted his eyes. "This is a condition for you to play the bait."

"So, Your Highness?"

Then, Arnold said something that made Rishe shout loudly a few seconds later.


7th Time Loop WN Vol. 6 Fan TranslationWhere stories live. Discover now