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Yoel was the youngest in the squad since joining, being the youngest child of a noble family.

Because he found it bothersome to call her "Lucius," Yoel started using the nickname "Lu" for Rishe and surprisingly began to show a caring side.

"What's with the gloomy face? Are you sticking your nose into trouble again? Ugh... But since I don't want you to miss morning practice because of that, I guess I'll help too..."

When Rishe informed Yoel, "I've been invited to stay overnight at a party in another squad's room," he seemed worried for some reason.

"No. No matter how late you are, you must sleep in this bed in this room. It's dangerous."

"Dangerous?" Rishe questioned, "Besides, entering and leaving late at night would disturb your sleep..."

"No, you must come back properly. ...Otherwise, who will wake me up in the morning?"

(That Senior Yoel worries about me more than his own sleep...)

Sometimes, Rishe felt a bit anxious, wondering if Yoel had noticed she was a woman.

(...No, if he did, he would probably show it in his expression or behavior, right?)

"Lu, are you listening?" he asked again.

"Yes! I understand!" Rishe agreed.

While occasionally entertaining such doubts, Rishe repeatedly reassured herself that she was probably overthinking things, as the first year passed by.

"Lu, what's this for dinner? You got so engrossed in training that the cafeteria closed? ...Wait, but there's no way it's just boiled potatoes with salt. Well, I guess it can't be helped. Come here, I'll cook for you..." 

In this way, there were times when Rishe ate meals prepared by Yoel.

"You've been chosen for the next expedition? ...Maybe I should go too. Because without you, Lu, I won't be able to wake up in the morning." Confident in her role as his wake-up call, Yoel always wanted Rishe to wake him up in the morning.

"Even if we change rooms in the future, Lu will definitely be in the same room as me. I'll be able to wake up without being late, and you'll occasionally get swordsmanship lessons from me. Right, isn't that good?" he laughed.

"Yes! But if possible, Senior Yoel, I'd like lessons every day!" Rishe replied.

"Eh... No way. Too bothersome."

"Senior Yoel!!"

While living such days, as their second year began, Yoel uttered sleepily: "Galkhein's movements have become strange, just as Lu said."

Yoel's expression seemed more melancholic than usual. "...Galkhein's crown prince killed his father and seized the throne."

(...Even in this life...)


"I'm back, Your Highness Arnold."

Arriving at the imperial residence, Rishe, without unpacking, went to Arnold's office and briefly informed him of the situation.

"The detoxification of the women held on the ship has been completed, and I've entrusted them to the local doctor in this town. Everyone should be able to tell their stories by tomorrow, so the interrogation will be after that."

"I see. And thank you for the first aid for the women."

"No! I'm glad I could manage with the herbs I had on hand." Of course, 'glad' was a lie, but she smiled without showing it on her face. Yet, with sincere feelings, she quickly informed Arnold in front of her.

"I only heard fragmented stories, but the situation is clear... It's obviously human trafficking by pirates."


Looking into Arnold's blue eyes, Rishe asked. "Your Highness Arnold, did you know from the beginning that this incident was happening in this town?"


Rishe used to be a merchant. She thought she had deceived various people for business negotiations. But she wasn't confident she could deceive Arnold.

(Your Highness Arnold's goal was to investigate this human trafficking from the start.)

While looking into his blue eyes, Rishe quietly thought.

(I'm the same. I also had an ulterior motive to come here.)

Choosing a Beztrian craftsman to finish the wedding dress, and insisting on embroidering with that specific thread, knowing it would not be available in Galkhein right away.

All for reasons that wouldn't arouse suspicion from Arnold, in order to come to Beztria at this time.

Rishe had to accomplish a significant goal here.

(To stop this human trafficking... If the 'important weapon for war' falls into Your Highness Arnold's hands...)

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