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(To think we'd end up in a situation like this...)

As Rishe finished the boarding procedures and stepped onto the large ship, she pondered while looking down.

Arnold, whom she glimpsed, was escorting her. But it wasn't like Rishe could cling to his arm as usual. He simply held her hand, guiding her safely, in the manner of a protector.

"The deck is swaying. Watch your step."

With his bangs up, forehead exposed, and black gloves on, Arnold's appearance, coupled with his tone, made him seem somewhat unfamiliar. Because of that, if Rishe let her guard down, she'd find herself gazing at his face absentmindedly.


"Oh...! I-I'm terribly sorry..." As Rishe instinctively apologized, Arnold narrowed his eyes.

"It seems the clasp of your necklace is off. Please forgive me for touching it."

Arnold pulled Rishe closer. Then, he leaned in close to her ear and whispered her name.



From the tone of his voice, Rishe could tell she was being scolded, ever so slightly.

"No master would speak that way to their 'escort.'"

"But..." With her heart pounding, Rishe desperately listened to Arnold's voice. 

He spoke in a slightly hoarse tone. "...Can you manage?"

"I-I..." Rishe tightly closed her eyes and nodded vigorously, struggling to respond. "I... I understand..."

"That won't do."


Finally managing to speak, Rishe said, "I-I get it! I can do it properly, so..."

At that, Arnold cleared his throat.

(He laughed...!)

Stepping back from Rishe, Arnold continued his restrained manner of speech with a composed expression. "Give me your hand."

"Uh... Thank you..." After that somewhat awkward exchange, Rishe, despite feeling nervous for another reason—her budding affection—once again took Arnold's hand.

"We'll be departing shortly. As it's a large ship, there won't be much rocking, but still, please be careful." With those words, as they descended from the deck, the interior of the ship was already bustling with many invited guests.


The ship's interior, adorned with navy carpets, was illuminated by numerous lamps fixed to the walls and ceiling. Dressed-up men and women chatted while holding glasses, examining the various items displayed onboard. On several counters adorned with velvet drapes lay an array of rare items, primarily jewelry and accessories.

The attending merchants were all neatly dressed, wearing impeccable smiles as they attended to the guests. To be honest, the only part that intrigued Rishe was the idea of doing business at the soirée held onboard the ship. That's why she behaved so naturally, turning back to Arnold.

"Please, have a look. They're all wonderful..."


"Umm..." As Rishe glanced up into his blue eyes, she cleared her throat. Then, using the appropriate language befitting a young lady conversing with her escort, she addressed Arnold once more. "Look! Everything lined up here is just lovely."

"If it pleases you, Miss, then I am content, though I can't discern their true value."

(He maintains such a composed demeanor...)

Despite the situation, he seemed entirely unfazed. However, for Rishe, it was unsettling that Arnold, who would usually be beside her at a typical soirée, was now following behind her.

"Come closer."

With that, Arnold furrowed his brow for the first time. "Miss."

"It's unnerving to come to a new place at night. If you were by my side, I'd feel reassured." Rishe replied.


Rishe continued. "I don't need an escort. Just being beside me is enough."

Upon hearing her plea, Arnold let out a small sigh and stood beside Rishe. "Is this acceptable?"

Though she breathed a sigh of relief and nodded, their unfamiliar way of conversing persisted. As she nervously averted her gaze from Arnold, Rishe noticed that the female guests onboard were keenly observing him.

(This gaze is different from the one at the Imperial Palace...)

Arnold, usually the Crown Prince with a rumored cold demeanor and already engaged, was now receiving open admiration. Yet he behaved as if he didn't notice their attention at all and informed Rishe. "Shall we proceed?"

"Uh, yes..." Despite her nervousness from his gentle voice, Rishe reassured herself.

(I'll be fine, I can act naturally. And besides...)

What came to mind were the words of the Knight Order's captain.

7th Time Loop WN Vol. 6 Fan TranslationWhere stories live. Discover now