Chapter 52

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That night, the girls gathered for another interview, this time for a YouTube content on Cosmopolitan's channel. The topic of discussion was staple fashion looks, ranging from all-white fits to fur hats.

As the questions began, one particular question caught their attention: "Corset or crop top?"

To their surprise, the girls gave unanimous answers, all choosing the crop top. However, Yunjin stood out as the only one who chose the corset.

Eunchae was the first to speak up, explaining her preference for the crop top. "You can wear it as an everyday piece too," she shared, her eyes shining with enthusiasm.

Chaewon chimed in, adding, "Yeah, I like it when my shoulders are showing. It gives off a cool and casual vibe."

Eunchae nodded in agreement, her curiosity piqued. "I don't think I've ever worn a corset top," she admitted, her voice filled with a hint of intrigue.

Chaewon smiled warmly at Eunchae's remark. "But I think you'd look really good in one, Manchae," she complimented, her words filled with genuine admiration for the maknae's versatility. The others nodded in agreement, knowing that Eunchae had the ability to rock any outfit effortlessly.

Yunjin, who had chosen the corset, joined the conversation, her hand gently touching Eunchae's shoulder. "You have nice shoulders," she complimented, her voice filled with sincerity.

Eunchae blushed at the unexpected praise, feeling a sense of warmth and appreciation from her friends.

As the interview continued, the next question sparked a lively discussion among the girls: "Puffer jacket or faux fur coat?"

Chaewon, Sakura, and Eunchae were quick to choose the faux fur coat, their eyes lighting up with excitement. Yunjin, on the other hand, seemed to be open to both options, not showing a strong preference. Kazuha and Minha, however, leaned towards the puffer jacket.

Sakura couldn't help but express her admiration for the faux fur coat. "Aren't they cute?" she exclaimed, a smile spreading across her face. "I love the softness and the luxurious look they give," she added, her voice filled with enthusiasm.

Chaewon, with a knowing smile, chimed in, "Yeah, I've worn a lot of fur coats before. They always make me feel so glamorous." The others nodded in agreement, well aware of Chaewon's penchant for fur coats during her time in IZ*ONE.

Eunchae, who had chosen the faux fur coat as well, shared her excitement. "I love how cozy and stylish a faux fur coat can be," she gushed, her eyes shining with delight. The girls couldn't help but agree, appreciating the warmth and elegance that a faux fur coat brings to an outfit.

Meanwhile, Kazuha and Minha voiced their preference for the puffer jacket. Kazuha explained, "I like the practicality and the sporty vibe that a puffer jacket gives. It's perfect for staying warm during cold weather."

Minha nodded in agreement, adding, "Plus, puffer jackets are so versatile. You can easily dress them up or down for different occasions."

The next question posed during the interview was "Floral dress or rocker tee?" To everyone's surprise, except for Eunchae, the girls unanimously chose the rocker tee.

A playful smile crossed Minha's face as she remarked, "Like we said, Eunchae will look good in anything." The others nodded in agreement, their eyes filled with admiration for the youngest member.

Eunchae, wearing a contented smile, expressed her thoughts on the two options. "They each have their own vibe, and I actually like both," she shared, her voice filled with a sense of appreciation for different fashion styles. Her open-mindedness and ability to appreciate diverse fashion choices only added to her charm.

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