Chapter 20- Lions and cubs

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Jenn's pov

July 24th 2003

As I stirred from my slumber, I heard Ben's cheerful voice calling out to me. "Good morning, gorgeous!" he exclaimed as he held Eliana in his arms, her cherubic face beaming with joy and happiness.
I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and let out a yawn, feeling the warmth of the sun streaming in through the windows. "Good morning," I replied softly, my voice husky with sleep.
I looked down and noticed that I was wearing one of Ben's Boston t-shirts and a black thong. The sight of his oversized shirt against my bare skin made me feel both sexy and comfortable.
Ben approached me and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead, the love and affection between us crystal clear. Holding Eliana close to his chest, he looked at me with his piercing blue eyes and said, "It's going to be a beautiful day today."

As Ben's deep, soothing voice filled the room, he asked me, "What would you like to do for your birthday, my love?"
I felt a warm glow of happiness spread through my being as I considered my options. My birthday was just around the corner, and I was excited to spend it with the two people I cherished the most.
Just then, a tiny voice chirped from across the room. "Mama!"
I looked up and saw Eliana reaching out her chubby little arms towards me, her big, blue eyes sparkling with intelligence and affection. She might only be seven months old, but she was already incredibly bright and aware of her surroundings.
A smile bloomed on my face as I made my way towards her, scooping her up into my arms. Ben watched us with a mixture of love and amusement in his eyes.
"What do you think, Eliana?" I asked, turning to her. "What should Mama do for her birthday?"
Eliana babbled and cooed, her tiny fingers clutching at my shirt. Even though I couldn't understand her words yet, I could sense her excitement and anticipation.
"Maybe we can have a picnic outside at the park?" I suggested, looking back at Ben. "With some delicious food and some good music?"
Ben smiled and nodded. "That sounds wonderful," he agreed. "We can make it a family affair."
Eliana gurgled happily, her smile widening as she registered the excitement in our voices. I held her close to my chest, feeling a profound sense of love and connection between the three of us.
As we started planning the details of my upcoming birthday celebration, I knew that this would be a special day that I would never forget. With Ben and Eliana by my side, my heart was full and my life was complete.

With a warm smile, Ben reached out and gently passed Eliana into my arms, watching as I cradled her close to my chest with all the love and care in the world.

"Here you go, mama," he said softly. "Let's get this little one some breakfast." I nodded, feeling a mixture of tenderness and protection for our precious daughter. As Ben disappeared downstairs to prepare the charcuterie board for our date, I settled down to feed Eliana.

Her tiny hand reached up to grab at my fingers, her big blue eyes locked on mine as she drank my milk. I felt a surge of love and contentment as I watched her grow and thrive before my eyes.
For a few precious moments, the world around us faded away. It was just me and Eliana, connected in a way that only a mother and daughter could be. As the time ticked by, I could smell the delicious aromas of cured meats and artisan bread coming from the kitchen. I knew that Ben was working hard to make our date special, just like he always did. With one last loving look down at Eliana, I finished feeding her and gently handed her back to Ben so that I could get ready for our date. Ben took Eliana from me, he gently patted her back, eliciting a series of soft burps. But this time, the burps didn't seem to satisfy her little tummy. Instead, she let out a small cry, her eyes fixing on me longingly.

"She wants you, mama," Ben said with a chuckle. "Looks like it's time for some cuddles."

I scooped her up into my arms and cradled her close, feeling her small body melt into mine. Her tiny fingers wrapped around my shirt, and she snuggled in, her cries subsiding into contented sighs.

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