Chapter 59- Get Right, Please

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Fast forward to 2012

The triplets are now 6, Lola and Violet are both 9 and Eliana is 12.

Jenn's point of view

As a seasoned artist, I'm feeling a mix of excitement and nerves right now. There's a lot happening: my tour is about to start, and my movie "The Vow" is coming out soon. This movie is special because my husband's company was involved in producing and writing it, and now Ben is already working on another film. It's thrilling to see our projects come to life.

Despite our busy schedules, Ben has decided to take a break and come along with me on my "Dance Again World Tour." I'm really looking forward to having him by my side during the tour, sharing the experience together.

In preparation, I spend my days in the studio, focusing on the choreography and making sure everything is perfect for the performances. Recently, we hit a snag when one of our main dancers, who was supposed to lead a major part of the "Dance Again" performance, got injured. Luckily, Beau Casper Smart, my choreographer, stepped in. Working with him was great; we found our rhythm together, not romantically, but it is important to connect with your dance partner to ensure everything goes smoothly on stage.

In the dance studio, Beau and I started practicing the routine together for the first time. The music filled the room, and we moved in sync, feeling the rhythm and the steps. But then, unexpectedly, I missed a step and stumbled. Instantly, Beau was there to catch me, preventing a fall. We paused for a moment, looked at each other, and burst into laughter. The situation was humorous, and our laughter echoed through the studio.

To anyone watching, like my other dancers who were on their break, it might have looked like Beau and I were flirting. We were just joking around and enjoying the moment, but our easy banter and smiles could easily be mistaken for something more. The dancers watched us, perhaps wondering about the nature of our interaction, as we continued to practice, now with even more energy and playfulness. Our connection was professional, yet filled with a friendly ease that made the rehearsal not just productive but also really fun.

After ironing out the kinks and sharing a good laugh, Beau and I got back to work, focusing intently on the routine. We ran through it again, and this time, everything clicked. Our movements were perfectly in sync, each step and turn executed with precision. It was as if the earlier mistake had never happened; we were completely attuned to each other's timing and rhythm.

As the music flowed, so did we, moving seamlessly together through the dance sequence. The energy between us was palpable, not just to ourselves but to everyone in the room. Our dancers, still on their break, watched us nail the routine, seeing the transformation in our performance. It was a moment of true professional synergy, where everything fell into place, showing the power of dedication and teamwork in achieving that perfect dance harmony.

After finishing the routine in perfect harmony, I turned to everyone in the room, feeling a rush of gratitude and pride. "Great work today, everyone!" I exclaimed, my voice filled with enthusiasm. "Your dedication and hard work really show, and it's going to make our tour incredible."

Gathering everyone around, I shared some exciting news, "We kick off in just two weeks, and our first stop is New York!" My eyes lit up at the mention of my hometown, a place that holds countless memories and emotions for me. "Performing in New York is always a highlight for me. It's not just another city; it's home. Being there for our opening show means the world to me." My voice trembled slightly, betraying the deep emotional connection I felt.

As I spoke, Beau stood beside me, offering a gentle, supportive touch on my back, grounding me. His presence was comforting as I navigated through my emotions in front of the team.Regaining my composure, I continued, "We're going to have one final rehearsal next week, right before we head out. It's our chance to make everything perfect." My tone shifted back to the task at hand, focusing on the upcoming tour and the hard work ahead, yet the undercurrent of excitement for the New York performance remained palpable.

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