Chapter 41- The Danny to My Sandy

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Jenn's point of view

Hey there! Summertime is finally here, and let me tell you, it has been an experience like no other. I'm pregnant with twin girls, which has made this summer both exciting and challenging. It's been a test of strength, but feeling them move inside me makes it all worth it.

I'm now 27 weeks into my pregnancy, and wow, time is flying by so fast! My birthday is just around the corner, and I'm super pumped to celebrate with my loved ones. Talking about them, Ben and I have been killing it lately, especially since we've had some big changes happening in our family.

We're planning to get married again very soon, but for now, we're enjoying the excitement of our engagement. The best part? I'm absolutely in love with how well everything has been going for us, considering how challenging things can get in times like these.
Another significant change that's happened recently is that our little Eliana has officially started preschool! It seems like yesterday when she could hardly walk, and now here she is, making new friends and excelling academically in her first week. I couldn't be more proud of her progress.

So yeah, that's pretty much how we're doing in these summery days. One thing I'm sure of - life is never boring when you have a family full of entertainers. Lola has been showing interest in gymnastics and dance which has been great since both of my girls are becoming dancers. I couldn't have been more proud of them.

Back to reality...

Benjamin, wake up, my love. It's time," I whispered softly as I gently shook him out of his sleep. Slowly but surely, he began to stir from his slumber, still dazed and groggy. "Huh? What?" he mumbled sleepily, trying to come to terms with the situation. And then it hit him - today is the day we were going to Texas for his film! I couldn't help but smile at the sleepy look of excitement on his face as he realized what was happening. "We gotta go, babe. Everything is already packed, and we leave in three hours," I told him, eager to get started on this brand new adventure.

I leaned in and gave him a tender kiss, feeling his arms wrap around me, pulling me close. Our lips met in a soft, sweet embrace that made my heart sing. "Go take your shower, and I'll handle the girls," I assured him, already mentally mapping out the rest of our plans.

Of course, he was reluctant to let me go. His arms remained wrapped around me, his head nuzzling into my neck, gently kissing it. "Fine... just let me cuddle my wife for a bit," he said, smiling lovingly at me.

I enjoyed being in his arms. As Ben kissed my neck, shivers ran down my spine. His hands glided down to my chest, gently kneading. I chuckled when he playfully called my breasts his 'new stress balls,' teasing him in return. His kisses trailed down as he slowly slid my bra down, intensifying our closeness. He gently sucked on my nipples, eliciting soft moans from me. I tilted my head back, granting him better access as he drew me closer. A wave of desire swept over me, mirroring Ben's evident yearning. Our deep connection, beyond words, intensified as we explored each other. Lost in the moment, our passion and love for each other grew immensely. 

After our intimate moment, Ben reached over to fix my bra gently, then got up first and helped me to stand up. Before I could speak, he playfully tugged at my waist, and with a gentle pull, my favorite thong came off. "Hey, that's my favorite!"I protested, feigning annoyance. Ben flashed a reassuring smile, promising to make it up to me. Excited, I asked how he planned on doing that.

He whispered, "Just watch," leading me to the bed where I lay back. He gently parted my legs, kissing my thighs before passionately pleasuring me. My gasps and moans filled the room as I was overwhelmed with sensation. Urging him on, my response grew more intense. Despite a cautionary hush from Ben, mindful of the proximity to my mom, the ecstasy was unstoppable. Lost in the moment, each movement brought me closer to the brink until I reached a climactic peak, calling out his name. Ben then held me tenderly, soothing us back to calmness.

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