Chapter 62- Dance Again Or Never Again?

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Jenn's pov

A month into the tour, I've been having 4 shows per week which has been amazing but has been a bit hard especially with the kids. Ben has been amazing and has been working out with me 4 times a week... and I am starting to see results in him. He looks so amazing and toned... I mean he's always looked hot but this time even more hotter than usual.

This week we have 5 shows, 2 in LA, one in Sacramento and two in San Francisco. I literally cannot believe that all my shows have been selling out. I try not to pay attention to the media but everyone on Twitter has been saying nothing but sweet compliments about my shows. It's been insane so far and everyone is so sweet.

Ben, who is into films and videography, he's been filming me along my journey but not for public reasons, it's more for us to have something to look back on. I love how he's so caring and thinks of filming our private moments. Which I love because I do not plan on releasing anything unless... maybe who knows... maybe 10-20 years down the line I will..

Anyways, today is July 3rd and my first show this week is in LA.

I did my usual routine of getting ready but something's been off lately with Beau.

As the last note of our dance practice fades away, Beau and I linger in the center of the studio, catching our breaths under the soft glow of the overhead lights. He's been especially lively today, his energy contagious and his moves sharper than ever. I can't help but feel a spark of something electric in the air between us.

"You were on fire today," I compliment him, still feeling the adrenaline of our session.

Beau smiles, stepping closer with a playful gleam in his eye. "Only because I had the best partner." His hand finds my waist, pulling me gently but firmly closer. "You always push me to do better."

The closeness brings a new, palpable tension, his hand warm on my hip. I laugh, feeling the heat of his proximity. "Oh, so now you admit that you need me?"

"Absolutely," he responds without missing a beat, his face inches from mine. His breath fans my face, his eyes locked on mine, mischievous yet sincere. "I'd be lost without you."

The air thickens with the unspoken chemistry between us, and for a fleeting moment, it feels like he might close the gap between us with a kiss. My heart races, aware of the line we are toeing.

Instead, Beau leans in and his lips brush against my cheek softly, a sweet gesture that sends a shiver down my spine. "Thank you for today," he whispers, his voice low and husky.

I touch the spot on my cheek where his lips just were, smiling at his restraint. "Anytime, Beau. We make a great team."

He steps back, still holding my gaze for a moment longer than necessary, leaving an unspoken promise hanging in the air. "See you tonight?" he asks, already stepping away to grab his things.

"Obviously," I reply as I tease him but feeling a mix of relief and disappointment as the distance returns between us.

I leave the dance studio, the lingering thrill of the flirtatious exchange with Beau still tingling through me. I push open the door, stepping out into the cooler evening air, and spot Ben waiting in the car just across the parking lot. His presence instantly brings a grounding sense of home.

As I approach, Ben rolls down the window, his eyes lighting up when he sees me. He's watching as I walk, a smile playing at the corners of his lips, appreciative and a little playful. I open the door and slide into the passenger seat, the familiarity of the car wrapping around me like a warm hug.

"That sports bra is cute," Ben teases, his tone light and affectionate, "but it would be better if it was off."

I laugh, shaking my head at his cheeky comment. "You're terrible," I reply, but I can't help the blush that colors my cheeks or the smile that widens on my face.

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