Chapter 73- Family Matters

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A few days later...

Jenn's point of view

We hadn't spoken about that night—the one where Ben staggered home, a little worse for wear. In truth, we both just carried on as if nothing had happened. I suppose that meant he was okay, although it did take him a couple of days to get his appetite back. It was actually kind of funny, watching him fight off his hangover.

"Good morning, papi," I greeted as I strolled into his office.

"Good morning..." Ben smiled, his eyes lighting up as I approached. He swiveled his chair and pulled me close, and began showering my belly with kisses. "Good morning, buddy. Have you been nice to mommy?" he cooed, waiting for a response in the form of a kick.

I chuckled, running my fingers through his hair. "Yes we've both been okay... but the question is... Are you feeling better now?"

"Yeah... I'm never drinking again," he confessed, burying his face against my stomach in a tender hug. "I'm sorry, Jenn. I should have listened to you."

"Good," I replied with a soft laugh, continuing to stroke his hair. "Now, excuse me. I have to take some kids to school. Oh, and don't get mad, but Eliana is taking a week off. She needs a mental health break."

"Why?" Ben frowned, a look of confusion crossing his face.

"She's just... going through it right now," I explained gently, hoping he wouldn't press further.

"Babe, she's 11. What do you mean she's 'going through it'?"

I sighed, a little exasperated. "Papi, just trust me, okay? I'm the mother, and I know what's best for our daughter. When our son hits his growth spurts, you can take over. Deal?"

He paused, then nodded, finally getting the message. "Oh... I see."

He pulled me in for another hug, and I leaned down, our lips meeting in a gentle kiss. After a moment, I straightened up and headed out to round up the girls for school. As I loaded them into the Yukon, Eliana took the front seat, rubbing her tummy gently.

"Mom, is it normal to be cramping this much?" she asked, a slight whine to her voice.

"Yes, baby," I reassured her, squeezing her hand as we drove off. "You'll be okay, I promise. How about some Dunkin' afterward?"

"Moooommmm!" Violet piped up from the backseat. "I want Dunkin tooo. Please?"

"Of course, honey," I laughed. "I'm bringing back treats for everyone."

"Promise?" Lola chimed in, her voice hopeful.

"I promise, babies," I laughed, shaking my head at their bubbling excitement. As we drove to school, I turned on some music, and the girls began singing along, their voices filling the car with a carefree energy.

Pulling up to the school drop-off line, I watched as they gathered their bags, ready to start their day. "Bye, babies! Be good!" I called out as they opened the doors.

"Always, Momma!" Lola giggled back, a mischievous twinkle in her eye, making it clear she was anything but the serene angel she pretended to be. She was definitely the ringleader of mischief among the five, always with a plan or a prank up her sleeve.

I watched them scamper towards the school entrance, their laughter trailing behind them like a melody. As they disappeared into the building, a part of me relaxed, proud and a little relieved to have such spirited, happy kids. I pulled away from the curb, the morning suddenly feeling a bit lighter.

After dropping off the other girls, Eliana and I headed to Dunkin'. She was quieter than usual, occasionally wincing, but when we arrived and the aroma of fresh donuts filled the car, I saw her spirits lift almost instantly.

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