Chapter 23- besos

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Ben's pov

August 14th

This morning was filled with the simple joy of making breakfast for my two favorite people in the world, Ellie bug and Jenn. As I whipped up some vegan pancakes for Ellie bug, I carefully cut bananas into tiny pieces for her to try. Jenn is keen on introducing her to solid foods, and I wanted to make sure everything was just right for our little one.

The air was warm with the smell of pancakes when Jenn wrapped her arms around me from behind. "Good morning handsome," she greeted me, her voice cozy and full of love.

"Good morning beautiful," I replied, turning around to give her a kiss. Her presence always has a way of making everything brighter.

"I missed you so much.. thank you for being here... I missed you. I love you so much," she said, her words mingling with a sigh of relief. It felt like she was letting go of a weight she'd been carrying.

"Of course, mama. I'll always be here for you," I whispered back, feeling my heart swell with love for her.

Before she let go, she asked, "Can we talk in the backyard when you finish making breakfast?"

"Of course, baby," I said, giving her a soft kiss in return. Then, I turned back to our breakfast, feeling a deep sense of contentment.

Jenn went upstairs and soon came back down, holding Ellie bug close in her arms. There's something about seeing them together that always warms my heart.

"Can you believe Ellie bug is almost a year old, babe?" Jenn's voice broke into my thoughts, filled with a mix of joy and disbelief as she stood next to me, Ellie bug cradled against her.

"Yeah, and have you noticed her eyes? They're turning hazel," I said with a soft laugh, amazed at how quickly she's changing. I leaned over to Ellie, whispering, "Good morning, princess," before gently kissing her forehead.

Eliana was a little unsettled this morning, seeking comfort in the familiar. She turned her face into Jenn's neck, finding comfort there, and began to play with Jenn's hair.

With breakfast ready, I carefully balanced two plates and made my way outside. The morning air was fresh, the perfect backdrop for a peaceful family breakfast under our favorite tree. I set down Jenn's plate—a savory ensemble of scrambled eggs intertwined with crispy bacon, a dollop of yogurt crowned with fresh blueberries for a hint of sweetness, accompanied by golden-brown sausage links and perfectly crisped hashbrowns.

Settling down under the gentle shade of the tree, I handed Jenn her plate, our eyes meeting with a shared sense of gratitude for this moment. Surrounded by the tranquility of our backyard, with Ellie bug's soft coos adding to the symphony of a perfect morning, everything felt right in the world. It was one of those simple, yet profoundly beautiful mornings, where every bite of food and every shared glance felt like a celebration of our little family's love and unity. Yet.. there were some things that needed to be said.

As we savored the quiet intimacy of our breakfast beneath the tree, Jenn paused, her touch gentle on my cheek as she leaned in for a tender kiss. Returning to her meal, she then fixed her gaze upon me, a depth of emotion swirling in her eyes. "So... I wanted to talk about our little separation... I don't want us to get separated, papi. I love you, I cherish us, and everything we're building together. You know, marriage is challenging. This is, in fact, my third marriage," she confided, a fact I already knew, yet I listened in silence, giving her the space to express her heart.

"I don't want us to fight, and I long for you to be home all the time. I recognize we both have careers, and I understand your absence was just for two weeks... but I regret everything I said...deeply... You didn't deserve any of that, nor being kicked out. I can't explain what came over me, and I am truly sorry..." Her voice trembled, her sincerity bridging the distance our brief separation had cast between us, tears streaming down her face in silent testament to her remorse.

With the gentlest of touches, I brushed away her tears, sealing my promise with a soft kiss atop her head. "I understand, babe, don't worry. Perhaps we do need some time apart occasionally, so we're not constantly side by side... This being my first marriage, I'm still learning, still trying to navigate our shared life... But I can't bear the thought of ending what we have just because we're navigating the complexities of togetherness. You're not just my wife; you're my best friend, and I love you deeply."

"You always know just what to say," she started, her voice steadier, yet still carrying the echo of her earlier vulnerability. "Hearing you say that, feeling how deeply you care... it means everything to me. I was afraid, afraid that my mistakes had pushed us too far apart. But you, with your heart and your words, you've given us hope again."

She paused, her eyes holding mine, a silent communication of gratitude and love passing between us. "Being your best friend, your partner in everything... it's my greatest joy. I love you, more than I can express. And I'm committed to us, to learning from our struggles and building a future filled with more understanding, more patience, and an endless reservoir of love."

With Jenn snugly in my arms, her sudden lighthearted theft of my bacon took me by complete surprise. Her quick fingers swiped a piece right off my plate, and the playful glimmer in her eyes sparked an instant of mock indignation from me. "Hey! That's a bacon felony!" I exclaimed, feigning seriousness, which only served to widen Jenn's grin.

"Looks like someone approves of your bacon snatching skills," I said to Jenn, my voice warm with amusement, nodding towards Ellie who was still giggling at our antics.

Jenn, beaming, leaned closer to whisper, "We make a pretty good team, don't we?" Her words, light yet laden with meaning, danced in the air between us.

Caught up in our playful exchange, Jenn's kiss came as a soft, profound affirmation of our love, transforming the moment into something tender and intimate. This sweetness was momentarily paused by Ellie's small tug on my shirt, her big eyes clearly asking to be included in the affection. Without missing a beat, Jenn turned her smile and kisses to Ellie, enveloping her in the warmth of our love. Ellie's delighted giggles joined our laughter, completing the circle of joy that surrounded us.

As the laughter and warmth of the moment lingered, Jenn looked at me with a spark of inspiration in her eyes. "Hey, I've been thinking," she started, her voice a mix of excitement and a touch of nervousness. "I have this idea for a movie, and I really want to bring it to life. I know it's a big ask, but do you think you could help me write it? And, maybe, just maybe, I could star in it?"

The idea of working side by side, bringing her vision to life, and potentially watching her shine on screen filled me with a sense of excitement and pride in her ambition.

The sparkle in Jenn's eyes, filled with dreams and hopes, ignited a matching enthusiasm within me. "That sounds incredible," I replied, my voice reflecting the excitement her idea sparked in me. "I'd love to help you write it. And you starring in it? I can't think of anything more perfect. You have so much talent, and this could be an amazing opportunity to showcase that. Let's make your dream a reality together." I said and kissed her forehead.

"Thanks papi.. I appreciate you." She said and smiled.

As we settled into the comfort of the couch, the movie playing softly in the background, Jenn turned to me with eyes brimming with affection. With Ellie peacefully napping nearby, the moment felt intimate and serene, a perfect slice of time just for us.

Jenn leaned closer, her lips brushing my cheek with feather-light kisses. Each touch was accompanied by whispers, soft and tender, words that wrapped around me like a warm embrace. "You are my everything," she murmured, her breath warm against my skin. "I'm so grateful for you, for us. You make me feel loved in ways I never knew possible. With you, I am home."

With Ellie sleeping close by, Jenn's whispers of love wrapped around us like a warm melody. Her words touched my heart deeply. I pulled her into a gentle hug, my hand softly rubbing her back, trying to show just how much she means to me. A kiss on her forehead was my silent way of saying everything back to her, a quiet moment of love shared just between us. As we shared a quiet moment, Ellie stirred in her sleep, letting out the cutest little sigh that filled the room with a sense of peace. We both smiled, looking over at her with pure love. Jenn, squeezing my hand, whispered, "I can't wait for our little baby." Her words, simple and heartfelt, spoke of the excitement and love we felt about growing our family.

To be continued...

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