Chapter 67- Mi flor

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October 15th 2nd Leg of the Tour- Europe

One sunny morning in Spain, Jenn and her family decided to start their day with some authentic Spanish cuisine at a charming local café. While Jenn's daughters, Eliana and Brielle, excitedly opted for churros, Sera was eager to try the tortilla española, a tasty Spanish omelette. The café owner, noticing their adventurous spirit, suggested they also sample some fresh seafood tapas. Jenn, always keen to try new dishes, added an order of patatas bravas, a dish of spicy potatoes, to their breakfast.

However, not long after they finished eating, Jenn began to feel unwell. Initially, she chalked it up to the usual travel fatigue, but it soon became apparent that the seafood might be to blame. Determined not to spoil the day for her family, she headed back to the hotel to rest, urging her husband, Ben, and the kids to explore without her. Lola was particularly concerned and checked on her mom often, but Jenn reassured her that a little rest was all she needed.

Throughout the day, Ben stayed in touch via text, his messages laced with concern. He suggested a visit to the doctor, but Jenn was hopeful that rest would suffice. Despite feeling under the weather, Jenn didn't want to derail their holiday plans. She encouraged Ben to have a fun day out with the kids and promised to catch up if she felt better.

As the day turned into evening, Jenn was still not feeling her best but decided to push through for a scheduled performance—it was a highlight of their trip, and she didn't want to let anyone down. Against the odds, Jenn delivered a stunning performance, bolstered by the cheers and support from the crowd and her family. Yet, after her third song, her strength waned, and she rushed offstage feeling worse than ever.

Her team was immediately by her side, full of concern. Despite their pleas and Ben's insistence that she take a break, Jenn was adamant. "No, papi! It's my last show in Europe! I can't let them down," she declared, her determination clear.

With sheer willpower, she returned to the stage, her voice echoing through the venue, "Hey everyone, I'm not at my best tonight, but your love and support are getting me through. Let's make this last show one to remember!" The audience erupted in applause, their energy surging towards her, giving her the strength to continue.

She powered through her set, each song delivered with passion, her voice resonating with the emotional weight of the moment. "Thank you all for being here tonight," she said, her voice thick with gratitude. The crowd's warm response filled her with a profound sense of accomplishment, but as the concert drew to a close, she knew her limits had been reached.

Backstage, water and a chair awaited her. Ben was right there, pride and worry etched across his face. "You were incredible, babe. But let's get you looked at now, okay?" he said gently.

She nodded, leaning on him, thankful for his steady presence. "I did what I came to do. Now it's time to take care of myself," she agreed, feeling the weight of her health finally overtaking her resolve.

They left the cheering crowd behind, the echoes of the concert mingling with Jenn's relief and exhaustion. But their journey wasn't over yet. They headed straight to the airport for their next tour stop in Asia, hoping for a smooth flight. Unfortunately, the travel only exacerbated Jenn's condition. She spent most of the flight in discomfort, dealing with severe nausea and unable to rest.

The family was supportive, with Ben and the kids doing their best to help Jenn in any way they could. Despite their efforts and Lola's tender care, the flight was a grueling ordeal for Jenn.

(Shanghai, China. Kick start to the 3rd leg of the tour)

Upon landing, medical staff were ready to assist. They whisked Jenn off to a nearby facility for immediate examination. After several tests, the doctor returned with unexpected news, "Jenn, you are pregnant."

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