Chapter 31- Rebound or true love?

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Jenn's pov

A few days later, after having constant sex with Marc, I couldn't help but feel like shit. It wasn't the first time that he had treated me like nothing more than a tool to fulfill his desires, but this time felt different. I felt gross and used, missing the times when Marc would make love to me, and show affection and appreciation. It was like a part of myself had been lost.
As I struggled to make sense of my emotions, I found myself turning to the letters Ben had sent me. His words provided a sense of comfort, and every time I read them, it was like a piece of him was always with me.

In each letter, he knew just what to say, and every word was like a balm to my wounded heart. His letters were a reminder that there was still love and tenderness in the world, and that I wasn't alone on this journey. The way Ben wrote made me feel seen, heard, and understood. It was as if he had a direct line to my soul, and every sentence he penned was like a beacon of light, guiding me through the darkness. Even though we were far apart, his words made me feel close to him, and for once, I felt like things would be okay. As I tucked the letters away, I knew that they would always be a source of strength for me.

I tucked the letters away, I knew that they would always be a source of strength for me during my darkest moments. They would remind me that there was a world beyond Marc's manipulation and violence, and that love was still possible.
Over the next few days, as Marc continued to push for intimacy, I found solace in Ben's words. Reading his letters became a daily ritual, a way to ground myself and find peace amidst the chaos of my life.

Despite the constant sexual advances from Marc, I couldn't help but feel a growing desire for something more genuine - something that resembled the love and respect that Ben had shown me through his written words.
Even though staying with Marc felt like a trap, a part of me wondered if it would be enough to satisfy the yearning for security and stability that I craved. Still, I couldn't ignore the truth: I deserved better. It was time for me to take control of my own life and seek out the connections that my heart truly desired.

As the realization set in that I needed to let go of Marc, tears welled up in my eyes, threatening to spill over. The pain and sadness were overwhelming, leaving me feeling weak and vulnerable. In that moment, Eliana seemed to instinctively sense my emotional turmoil, her small hand reaching out towards me. At only 3 1/2 years old, she was a source of innocence and purity that I deeply craved. Her intuitive nature radiated through her touch, as she placed her little hand on my cheek, offering comfort in the chaos. As tears streamed down my face, Eliana whispered in her soft baby voice, "It otay, mommy. I hewe." Her innocent words brought a warmth to my heart, and I couldn't help but smile through the tears. Feeling comforted by her presence, I knew that everything would be okay.
I looked down at Eliana, her curly hair glistening with the remnants of my tears. Her eyes held a sense of knowledge and understanding beyond her young years, as if she knew exactly what I was going through.

"You're right baby," I whispered back to her, holding her even closer to my chest. "We'll face this together, and we won't be alone." With each passing moment, I felt my own fears begin to diminish, replaced by a newfound determination and hope for the future.

As the evening rolled around, I settled into my home, feeling a mix of emotions as I awaited Marc's arrival. Despite everything that had transpired between us, I couldn't deny the pang of excitement that arose in my heart at the thought of sharing a meal with him.

Yet, as he walked through the door, a bouquet of flowers in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other, something about his demeanor seemed different. There was a softness to his expression that I hadn't seen in a long time, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity and intrigue.

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