Chapter 60- Under the Spotlight

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Back at the car
Jenn's point of view

Back at the car, I turned to Ben, confusion and concern etching my features. "So what are they talking about?" I asked, trying to piece together the scene outside the restaurant. He kept his eyes on the road, his voice steady yet filled with a hint of urgency. "Babe, those were paparazzi hired by Ok! Magazine. They're after any piece of information they can get because, honestly, I don't think you've grasped the extent of your fame," he explained.

I opened my mouth to interject, "Babe, I know—" but he continued, ensuring I understood the gravity of the situation."Jennifer," he interjected with emphasis, "you don't understand the frenzy around 'The Vow.' Securing that script was a battle. Everyone in Hollywood was after it, and there was a lot of disappointment when my firm secured it. Now, there are reps and paparazzi lurking around, hoping to catch us in a moment of vulnerability to create buzz for the upcoming press for the movie." His words sank in, and I slowly began to realize the magnitude of the situation and the intense interest in my work and personal life.

I took a deep breath, absorbing the reality he laid out before me. "I guess I didn't fully realize the impact 'The Vow' had created," I admitted, my voice tinged with newfound understanding. "It's overwhelming to think that our lives are under such scrutiny because of the movie's hype. I'll need to be more cautious and aware of the attention it's bringing." My words trailed off as the weight of my burgeoning fame and its consequences started to truly hit home.

He nodded, his expression serious. "It's like when we first split up," he said. "Everyone made a huge deal about it, remember? The media frenzy, the speculation—it's happening again with the movie. We're back in the spotlight, and it's intense." His comparison drew a vivid line between our past experiences and the current situation, highlighting the cyclical nature of media attention in our lives.

Reflecting on his words, I circled back to the earlier incident, still needing clarity. "But why did the paparazzi ask about you and Ana?" I asked, looking for an explanation about the unexpected and personal question that had been thrown at us earlier.

He remained silent for a moment, seemingly gathering his thoughts. Then, with a heavy sigh, he confessed, "I did kiss her, but I instantly regretted it." His voice was low, reflecting the seriousness of his admission and the immediate remorse he felt for his actions.

A knowing smirk crossed my face as I absorbed his confession. He was unaware of the intense dance break between Beau and me during rehearsals. I thought to myself, maybe I'll dance a little too close to Beau next week when Ben sees my show for the first time, just to stir things up a bit.

At a red light, he caught my smirk and looked confused. "What's that smirk for?" he asked. I just shrugged, keeping it playful. He looked concerned. "Aren't you upset?" he questioned. Laughing off his worry, I replied, "Nope, not at all. But don't worry, your turn is coming, just wait and see," I said with another smirk, hinting at some playful payback in the future.

He looked a bit worried, so I snuggled up to him while he drove, which seemed to puzzle him even more. I planned in my mind a playful revenge for the kiss he mentioned, thinking about how I could use my dance with Beau to make a point. My cuddliness was a contrast to the teasing hint I had given about giving him a taste of his own medicine during my upcoming performance.

We got home and changed into comfortable sweats, then settled on the couch. I was clearly in a good mood, smiling and relaxed. Ben, on the other hand, seemed unable to sit still, constantly shifting and fidgeting beside me. He was confused by how happy I looked, feeling guilty about the kiss he had confessed to earlier. His nervousness only increased my sense of playful anticipation, enjoying the fact that his worry was adding an unexpected twist to our evening.

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