Chapter 81-AKA

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Jenn's point of view

Thursday, July 17th

Traveling to San Francisco for the American Idol auditions presented a new set of challenges and opportunities. As I settled into the judge's seat beside Harry Connick Jr. and Keith Urban, the atmosphere was buzzing with excitement and nerves from the contestants lining up for their chance to impress.

Ben, although busy filming back home, managed the kids with the help of our trusted nanny, ensuring everything at home was under control. This allowed me to focus fully on the auditions, though I kept my phone close, ready for any updates or cute messages about our three-month-old, Benji, who was with me along with our nanny.

The auditions kicked off with a stream of talent and the occasional amusingly off-key performances that were inevitable in such contests. Harry, seated to my right, turned on his charming southern wit, which often bordered on playful flirting. His light-hearted banter helped ease the tension and brought a relaxed vibe to the judges' table.

"Jennifer, if you had to audition, what song would you pick? I bet it would be something as beautiful as you," Harry quipped, winking at me as a contestant prepared on stage. His demeanor was always a mix of cheekiness and genuine warmth, making him a fun companion during the long hours of auditions.

Keith, ever the gentleman, chimed in with his own humorous take, "Watch out, Harry, you might just get the next contestant singing love songs directly to Jennifer here!" He laughed, nudging Harry playfully.

We continued to assess each performer, giving constructive feedback. I was particularly moved by a young woman whose voice had a haunting quality that filled the room. As she finished, I leaned into the microphone, feeling a kinship with her striving for her dream. "That was absolutely stunning. You've got something very special," I encouraged her, aware of how much such words could mean.

As the day wore on, Harry's playful comments continued, always professional but with a lightness that kept our spirits high. "Jennifer, how do you stay so composed with all this talent in front of you?" he asked during a brief pause, his smile infectious.

"Years of practice, Harry, and a good dose of motherhood patience," I replied, the corners of my mouth lifting into a smile. I glanced at my phone, checking for any new pictures or updates from Ben, feeling a tug at my heart being away from home.

Keith, picking up on my momentary distraction, added supportively, "She's not just a superstar judge, Harry, she's a super mom too."

As the auditions wrapped up for the day, I felt a sense of accomplishment and gratitude for the opportunity to be part of such a talented panel and to witness the dreams of so many aspiring singers. Harry and Keith and I said our goodbyes, looking forward to another day of talent and camaraderie.

Settling into the comforting quiet of my hotel room, I propped baby Benji on my lap and called my husband on FaceTime. The screen lit up, and there he was, looking understandably tired but managing a smile when he saw us.

"Hey, love, how are you and Benji doing?" Ben asked, his eyes lighting up despite the clear signs of fatigue from his day of filming and managing the kids.

"We're good, a bit tired but it was an exciting day," I replied, adjusting Benji in my arms as he gurgled happily, oblivious to our conversation.

"That's great to hear. Tell me about the auditions. Any standout talents?" His interest was genuine; he loved hearing about the potential stars we discovered.

I nodded, my thoughts turning to one audition in particular. "There was this one girl, papi. She's homeless, but her voice... it was so powerful and moving. She sang with such emotion that it was impossible not to be touched. We gave her a golden ticket."

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