Chapter 34- our hummingbirds

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Jenn's pov

When Ben and I arrived at the doctor's office for our second ultrasound appointment, we were both filled with excitement and anticipation. As I lay down on the exam table for my second ultrasound, the radiologist dimmed the lights and began examining the images on the screen. After a few long moments, she turned to me with a smile that slowly grew wider.

"Well, I have some exciting news for you!" she said cheerfully. "It looks like... you're having twins!" At this announcement, my heart leaped into my throat, my mind struggled to process the magnitude of what I was hearing.

"Twins?" I gasped, turning instinctively to Ben who sat by my side. His eyes were wide with surprise and wonder.

The radiologist nodded, still beaming widely. "Yes, two healthy little ones."

As I gazed back at her, it felt as though the world around us had shifted, everything sharper and clearer than before, like a fantasy come true. Twin babies? What an incredible blessing.

The radiologist studied the images on the screen for a moment before turning to me with a nod. "You're about 13 weeks along," she said, her voice filled with warmth and excitement.

My heart fluttered in my chest at the realization that I had another third of a pregnancy ahead of me. The knowledge brought with it new waves of anticipation and anxiety as I tried to imagine what kind of mother I would be.

"But don't worry," she added with a reassuring smile, "around 15 weeks is when most women start showing more. Until then, you might want to just wear comfortable clothes to accommodate the bloating."

I smiled back, feeling a strange combination of relief and disbelief. How fast this journey was progressing.

After our appointment ended and we got the ultrasound photos, Ben made his way to the blood lab, the radiologist directed him towards a friendly nurse who was able to take care of him and get his blood drawn. He followed her instructions, following the usual protocol of sitting down and rolling up his sleeve, his eyes fixed on the vial as pure red blood filled it.
While all this was happening, I waited outside the lab, fidgeting nervously as my thoughts swirled around the future. It felt like eternity, and the only thing keeping me from pacing around was the ultrasound photos we'd received.

Ben stepped out of the blood lab, I could see that he had a smile on his face, but there was a hint of fatigue in his eyes. "It's going to be a thirty-minute wait," he said, glancing over at me. "Is that okay?"

I nodded, my thoughts all focused on the life growing within me. "Of course," I said with a reassuring smile. "We can take our time."

We looked over the ultrasound photos together, Ben's expression grew thoughtful as he studied them intently. He traced the tiny lines and curves with a fingertip, his eyes sparkling with wonder.
"You know, I think we're going to have one boy and one girl," he said after a moment, stating his prediction with a self-assurance that made my heart flutter with love.

I couldn't help but laugh. "I'm not so sure," I replied playfully. "I think we might end up with twin boys - you've always wanted sons, after all!"

Ben chuckled warmly. "Well, we'll just have to wait and see," he said with another grin.

I couldn't help but giggle at his prediction. "What if we end up having two girls instead?" I said teasingly, a twinkle in my eye as I raised an eyebrow playfully.

He looked at me with a surprising lack of surprise on his face. "Well, hey," he replied with an easy-going laugh. "Looks like I would already be halfway there since I already have three girls!"

My heart filled with warmth as I placed my hand gently on his arm. "You actually never mentioned that," I teased. "Well, it just makes the whole idea even more lovely to me."

He turned towards me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me close. "Thank you," he whispered. "And no matter what, I promise I'll love them just as much - and you even more than I do right now."

I tucked my head into the crook of his neck, feeling the weight of everything that we had experienced together and all that was to come.

30 minutes later

After a half hour of waiting, the nurse emerged from the lab with an envelope in hand. She handed it to us, and Ben thanked her as we headed outside and into the car, feeling a flutter of nerves and excitement as we settled into our seats. When we sat in the car, I could feel my heart pounding hard against my chest. I took the envelope from Ben's hand, holding it tightly in my grasp. A small voice inside me nervously wondered what the results would say, but I knew that what was in that envelope wouldn't change the depth of the love that Ben and I had towards each other.

Before opening it, I turned to Ben, my eyes brimming with tears. "Before we open this," I said, my voice trembling slightly. "Will you still love me if it's not yours...?"

He turned to look at me, his expression gentle and reassuring. "Always," he said confidently.
With those words ringing in my ears, I finally worked up the courage to open the envelope. The result was exactly what we had hoped for - it showed that the babies were Ben's. Tears spilled down my face as I lifted my eyes to Ben's, seeing the glow of joy and relief on his face.

"Thank goodness," he breathed, reaching over to pull me tightly against him.

Overwhelmed with relief, Ben leaned in and kissed me deeply, his love pouring through every movement of his lips. I felt grateful, with tears welling up in my eyes as we embraced, knowing that this moment would forever change our lives.

"Aren't you relieved?" Ben whispered softly, his eyes searching mine.

I chuckled weakly through my tears. "You have no idea," I replied, still feeling a mix of emotions coursing through me. "Technically, we cheated..."

"But it was definitely worth it," Ben agreed, matching my laughter with his own. "I'd do it all over again in a heartbeat."

His words warmed my heart, making every misstep feel like part of a grander plan - something meant to bring us to this very moment.

And as I sat there with him, our love surpassing every boundary and fear we had once held, I knew that we were indeed blessed. These babies, these miracle additions to our family, had changed us forever in more ways than one.

To be continued....

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