Chapter 46- Coming Down

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Two weeks later, Jennifer and Ben finally talked after a long time of not speaking. They both cried and hugged each other, which made them feel much better and fixed their problems. Now, they were only worried because Jennifer was about to have her baby soon. To help Jennifer feel better, Ben did things like making sure she was comfortable, helping with chores, and being there to support her.

Jennifer was in bed and called out, "Papi!" Ben ran in right away, looking very tired because he had been busy playing and taking care of their three energetic girls all day.

"Hi, Papi. Can you get me some chips, please? The girls and I want some," Jenn whispered, gently rubbing her belly. Ben nodded, opened the bedside drawer, and gave her a bag of chips and a Diet Coke.

"I'm going to grab some food from Dunkin and McDonald's for dinner. You want your usual?" Ben asked, lying beside Jenn to rest for a moment.

"Yes, please," she replied, smiling and stroking his hair. Suddenly, she noticed he was snoring. Giggling, Jenn nudged him gently, saying, "Papi, wake up."

Ben quickly woke from his brief nap, sat up, and shared a deep kiss with Jenn, who kissed him back, reviving his energy. "Your kisses give me energy," he said, kissing her again before leaving. Jenn laughed, responding playfully, "Whatever you say, Affleck," giving him a look that made Ben's heart race with her mischievous smile and twinkling eyes.

"Actually, I need more energy," Ben said, leaning over her as he shifted his position to kiss her passionately. His lips explored every inch of hers, their tongues twining together in a dance reminiscent of the promise of things to come.
As the kiss deepened, Ben trailed hot kisses along her jawline and down to the delicate hollow just beneath her ear. Each touch sent shivers coursing through Jenn's body, and she moaned softly, unable to suppress her growing desire.

Teasing him with innocent eyes, she playfully whispered, "hmm, that made me wet." Her words hung in the air between them, creating an atmosphere filled with anticipation and excitement.

Ben immediately dropped his pants and boxers revealing himself that he was ready for her.

Jenn let out a hard laugh and swiftly covered her eyes. "Papi, I was kidding!" she giggled uncontrollably, trying to hide her laughter while still managing to keep her hand over her face.

Ben stood there, momentarily exposed and amused at her teasing, red-faced from embarrassment but also with the beginnings of arousal starting to stir.

For a moment, she looked down at it, a flirtatious smile on her face as she feigned innocence, casually crossing her legs in front of him.
"Well now isn't this interesting?" She teasingly wondered aloud, raising an eyebrow, testing out her power over him. "It's so big and thick... very excited to see me." Jenn said softly.

As Jenn teased him about his obvious excitement, Ben couldn't help but feel a rush of desire and amusement intermingled. He jumped onto the bed and kissed her deeply, pushing his cock against her legs as she wrapped them around his waist.

In a moment of passion, Ben ripped her leggings where her entrance was at, only to have Jenn burst out laughing and reveal that she had been teasing him all along.

His eyes filled with sadness as he looked at her with a cute pout on his face. "You're such a tease," he said, disappointment evident in his tone.
But the mood quickly shifted as they both erupted into laughter, the tension from earlier melting away under the shared warmth of their love for each other.

Apologetic but still teasing, Jenn reached out and began to stroke Ben's cock, her fingers sliding up and down the impressive length as he groaned softly with pleasure. Her eyes never left his as she continued, savoring the effects her touch had on him.

But just as Ben was getting lost in the sensation, Jenn suddenly stopped, sending him reeling. She sat back comfortably, a devilish grin playing across her lips as she picked up her chips and enjoyed them with an air of smug satisfaction.
Ben was simultaneously frustrated and amused at her antics, though there was no denying the thrill that came with being teased by someone they loved so deeply. They shared a knowing look, underlying emotions shifting between them in the space of a single glance.

As Ben pulled up his boxers and pants, feeling both aroused and exhausted from the night's games, he turned towards Jenn with a playful pout on his face. "Please," he begged, "I need your love now more than ever after that torture."
Jenn laughed softly, enjoying the spectacle of his vulnerability mixed with his desire. As she lifted her shirt to flash him just a hint of what he wanted, Ben automatically shut up, his eyes widening in delight as his gaze traveled over her bare skin. When she lowered her shirt once again, Ben couldn't help but break out into a smile - the happiest man in the world at that moment.

Jenn laughed, her eyes filled with happiness as she declared, "It's the little things that make you happy." Ben nodded in agreement, a grateful smile spreading across his face. "But they're actually big," he quipped, indicating their recent escapades. He leaned down and gave her a soft, lingering kiss before reaching up playfully and grabbing a handful of her breast, jiggling it softly in his hand.

She giggled at his lighthearted gesture, some mixture of annoyance and delight playing across her features. As Ben left to grab McDonald's, she couldn't help but feel appreciation for the smaller moments in life, the mundane actions that held so much meaning when shared between two people who truly cared for each other.

After Ben returned with their McDonald's meals, he first gave their three girls their food, making sure they were happy before making his way upstairs to Jenn. He entered the room with a playful grin on his face, carrying the bags of food before him like a trophy. Setting the food down on the bed, they sat together in bed as they enjoyed their meal, watching TV and relishing each other's company. They talked about their day, laughing at the silly things and letting the tension melt away in the moment. For a while, everything was perfect - a bubble of calm and comfort in a rapidly changing world.

"I could get used to this," Ben whispered to Jenn, a teasing smile on his lips, a glint of mischief in his eyes as he grabbed Jenn's ass. They both burst into laughter. It was a moment of pure joy and playfulness, one that they would cherish for years to come. Jenn joined in, snickering as she swatted Ben's hand away admonishingly. For a quiet moment, they just looked at each other, filled with a sense of comfort in the familiarity between them.

After they finished eating, Ben teased Jenn by touching and massaging her thigh as they continued to watch TV. He reveled in the feel of her, enjoying the warmth and softness of her skin under his fingers as he traced close to her ear then went back to her thigh. The interaction was intimate without being overtly sexual, creating a perfect blend of comfort and desire. As Ben pulled away after a while, Jenn shot him a playful look, annoyance mingling with amusement on her face. "You know I'm not done with you yet," she teased.

He grinned back at her, enjoyment evident in his eyes. "Is that so?" he countered.

Jenn allowed Ben to continue caressing her body as they watched TV together, the connection between them deepening with each touch. The room was filled with a comfortable silence, punctuated by soft laughter and the occasional gasp of delight.

Just as things started heating up, everything changed as Jenn suddenly pulled away, clutching her side in pain. Her eyes widened with distress, betraying an urgency quite unlike anything anyone had expected during their little family outing.

"No," she rasped out between gritted teeth, "This isn't... this is different." Lifting her head to look at
Ben with strained eyes, her words took on a somber realism that defied the casual mood just moments before.

Momentarily confused, Ben stared at his wife, his brows furrowing deeply. But as Jenn stared hard into his eyes, Ben realized she was right - this wasn't the usual Braxton Hicks contractions she used to complain about during her previous pregnancies.

To be continued...

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