Chapter 82- Universe Miracles

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Ben's point of view

Since Jenn finally got to have a vacation, we decided to go to Spain with the kids.

The day begins with the soft light of dawn spilling through the balcony doors, gradually waking the villa. Jenn lies beside me, her breaths even and gentle, cradling Benji in her arms. The older kids are still asleep in their rooms as they were tired from traveling. The warmth of the Spanish sun on my face reminds me that this is a special time, a rare break from the constant rush of our everyday lives.

As Jenn stirs and Benji lets out a tiny cry, I lean in to kiss her forehead. She smiles softly, whispering, "Good morning," before her attention shifts to our son. She rocks him gently, humming a quiet lullaby, and for a few moments, the world is only us...

Later, after breakfast in the sunny courtyard, we head out with the kids to explore the city's many wonders. We weave through the maze-like streets of the Gothic Quarter, stopping to admire the intricate facades and grand architecture. Jenn, makes sure everyone is included in the conversation. "What do you think, Brielle?" she asks our ever-inquisitive daughter as we stand before the towering Sagrada Familia.

"It's like a giant sandcastle," Brielle says, her eyes wide with wonder. The others nod in agreement, captivated by the soaring spires and elaborate carvings.

The day passes in a blur of laughter, history lessons, and the simple joy of discovering a new place together. By the time we reach a small beachside café for lunch, everyone is ready to take a break and enjoy the sea breeze. The older girls chatter excitedly as we settle at a rustic wooden table overlooking the beach, the Mediterranean stretching out in endless blue beyond us.

Benji, peaceful in his stroller, sleeps soundly despite the noises of seagulls and the distant laughter of beachgoers. I get up to adjust the canopy to shield our son from the sun. We then order an array of seafood that arrives steaming and fragrant. Large platters of grilled prawns, calamari, and fresh mussels are placed before us, and the scent alone is enough to draw exclamations of delight from the kids. "This looks amazing!" exclaims Lola, her eyes wide as she reaches for a prawn. Eliana, ever mindful of her younger siblings, helps Nadine and Sera peel the shell off their portion.

"I loved the cathedral we visited this morning," Violet says, sucking the juice off her fingers after tackling a particularly juicy prawn. "The stained glass was like nothing I've ever seen."

Sera, perched on her chair with excitement, nods in agreement. "It was beautiful! I tried to draw some of the patterns," she adds, holding up a napkin covered in blue ink doodles.

Brielle, her curiosity piqued by the local cuisine, points to the mussels on her plate. "Did you know," she starts, a serious look on her face, "that each region in Spain has its own way of cooking seafood? I read that in the guidebook."

Nadine listens intently, then turns to her mom and me. "Can we try cooking some Spanish dishes when we get home?" she asks eagerly.

"We definitely should," Jenn replies, smiling at her enthusiasm. "Maybe you girls can help pick the recipes."

As we eat, I notice Jenn's eyes frequently wandering to Benji, ensuring he's comfortable and undisturbed. After a while, I reach for her hand under the table, giving it a gentle squeeze. "I love you." I whisper. She returns the gesture, her smile telling me how much she loves me more and how she cherishes these family moments.

Later, Lunch winds down with plates licked clean and satisfied sighs all around. The café's owner brings us a complimentary dish of local fruit, slices of bright orange persimmons and plump cherries, which the kids dive into immediately.

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