Chapter 57- Emotions

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2 months later..  Valentines day

Jenn's Point of View

I wrapped up early at the studio and decided to make a surprise visit to Ben on his movie set. He was there with Ana de Armas and George Clooney. I was excited to see him and witness the set life for a bit.

When I got there, Ben and Ana were deep in conversation, laughing and chatting. They seemed to be having a good time, but I couldn't wait to say hi to Ben. So, I snuck up and gave him a big hug from behind. He was so surprised and happy, instantly hugging me back and not wanting to let go.

"Wow, Jenn! What are you doing here?" Ben exclaimed, thrilled.

"Just came to see you," I said, smiling.

He beamed at me, then turned to Ana. "Ana, you know Jenn, right? My amazing fiancé?"

As Ben introduced me to Ana, I noticed her overly sweet demeanor. "Jenn, it's so good to see you again! You and Ben are just so adorable together," she gushed, her voice dripping with an intensity that felt forced.

Despite Ana's effusive comments, Ben's attention was firmly on me. He started playfully reminiscing about our past adventures, each story laced with affection and inside jokes that only we understood.

"You remember that trip we took to the beach?" Ben asked, his eyes meeting mine with a twinkle. "Jenn here is the only person I know who can turn a simple beach day into an unforgettable adventure. She's full of surprises."

Ana chuckled along, trying to maintain her presence, but it was clear the connection between Ben and me overshadowed her efforts. Ben continued, his stories subtly emphasizing our shared history and deep bond, making it evident to Ana that our relationship was strong and filled with mutual admiration and love.

As Ben playfully recounted anecdotes of our life together, his fondness for me was evident, and Ana, sensing her diminishing influence, gradually withdrew from the conversation. Ben's flirtatious banter continued, focusing on shared memories and private jokes, reinforcing the special bond we had, oblivious to Ana's fading enthusiasm.

Eventually, Ana excused herself, leaving Ben and me to enjoy our reunion, surrounded by the busy energy of the set but encapsulated in our own world of fond memories and laughter.

In the midst of directing, he signaled for Ana to approach us. As she walked over, I could feel the subtle tension in her stride. Ben, meanwhile, kept one arm around me, his hand absentmindedly rubbing my arm, a gesture of comfort and affection that felt incredibly soothing in the charged atmosphere.

"Ana, can we talk for a minute?" He started, his tone calm yet assertive. "I've been watching the takes, and I feel like we're not hitting the mark. I know what an incredible talent you are, and I believe we're not seeing your best work right now. Let's take a moment to figure out what's off and how we can get back on track."

Ana, her expression a mix of frustration and resolve, nodded, taking a deep breath. "I understand, Ben. I'm not sure what's wrong, but I'll give it another go and make sure to bring my best to the next take," she replied, her voice steady despite the clear disappointment in her eyes.

As Ben continued to discuss the scene with her, his hand never left my arm, maintaining a constant, comforting presence. It was a small but significant affirmation of our bond, even as he focused on addressing the professional challenge at hand.

As the set buzzed with the usual cacophony of production sounds, the atmosphere grew tenser with each take. Despite Ana's best efforts, she couldn't nail her part, her performance faltering repeatedly. Ben, patient and supportive at first, showed signs of concern as the retakes accumulated.

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