Part 63-Just A Dream

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Beau's point of view

We're deep into the second leg of the tour, and everything seems to be aligning perfectly. Jenn and I have naturally grown closer; she's not just my boss but also someone I've come to admire deeply. She's incredibly sweet and, frankly, she's perfect in many ways. I've had the chance to get to know her kids, who are just as delightful.

Ben hasn't been around much these last two weeks; he's been busy filming and directing commercials for some well-known friends. I know Jenn misses him, and it's clear the distance is weighing on her. It's tough seeing her struggle with the separation, knowing how much she values her family.

After one of our shows, I decide to check on Jenn. I head to her dressing room, knocking softly before entering. The sight that greets me is Jenn sitting by her makeup table, her face buried in her hands, tears streaming down her cheeks. The usual vibrant energy she exudes on stage is absent, replaced by visible stress and exhaustion.

"Hey, Jenn," I start, my voice gentle as I close the door behind me. I walk over and sit beside her, my presence offering silent support. "Talk to me, what's going on?"

She looks up, her eyes red and swollen from crying. "It's just... everything. The tour, the kids, missing Ben. It's all just piling up," she manages to say between sobs.

I nod, understanding her struggles. "It's a lot to handle, Jenn. But you're doing an amazing job. Everyone can see that."

I hesitantly place an arm around her shoulders, trying to offer some comfort. As she leans into me, the connection feels natural, her vulnerability drawing me in. I want to protect her, to make her feel better. Slowly, our faces draw closer, and in a moment of impulse mixed with deep care, I kiss her.

The kiss is gentle, meant to comfort rather than complicate, but I can't help but feel the stir of deeper emotions, fueled by the weeks of growing closeness and shared experiences.

As the kiss ends, a moment of silence hangs between us. Jenn's eyes search mine, seemingly startled but not pulling away. She takes a deep, steadying breath, perhaps finding a semblance of calm in the chaos of her emotions.

"Eliana's been really tough lately," Jenn confesses, her voice breaking a little. "She's such a daddy's girl, and with Ben gone... she's started to act out. It's been hard. She's been throwing tantrums, questioning everything I do. It's like she's pushing me away because I'm not Ben."

I listen intently, my hand still resting lightly on her shoulder, offering a reassuring squeeze. "That sounds really tough," I say sympathetically. "It's hard when you feel like you're not enough for your own kid, especially when you're giving it your all."

"Yeah, it really is," Jenn replies, wiping away a stray tear. "I just want to be there for her, make her feel secure even when Ben isn't around. But it's like everything I do just makes it worse."

I nod, understanding the delicate balance of parenting, especially under the spotlight and pressure Jenn faces daily. "You're a fantastic mom, Jenn. Eliana loves you. Maybe she's just struggling with the changes too, not sure how to express it except through anger."

Jenn leans back, considering this. "Maybe you're right. I need to find a way to connect with her, reassure her," she muses, a faint smile breaking through her worries.

"Exactly," I affirm, feeling our conversation shift her mood slightly. "And you will. You're strong, Jenn, and you've got so much love for your kids. It'll work out."

She looks at me, gratitude lighting up her face. "Thank you, Beau. I needed this chat more than I knew." Her smile grows, a mix of appreciation and newfound resolve shining through her earlier distress.

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