Chapter 58- I Got You Babe

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Ben's point of view

The next morning, I woke up early, careful not to disturb Jenn, who was deep asleep beside me, her hand gripping my bicep tightly. As I gently tried to pull away, she woke up, her eyes wide and startled, looking up at me as if she was afraid I was going to disappear.

I was still annoyed with Jenn for not telling me why she didn't want me at her meeting tonight. But seeing the worried look in her eyes as she woke up made it tough to hold onto my anger. She looked like she really needed me, and it was hard to stay mad at her cute face.

I pulled her close to me and without saying anything, she showed me how much she cared. She cuddled into me and laid on top of me, her way of telling me she loved me, even if we hadn't talked everything out yet.

"I was thinking—" I started, but she cut me off with a quick kiss."Jennifer, we really need to talk about—" Again, her lips met mine, silencing me with another gentle, yet insistent kiss. Each time I tried to speak, to address the lingering issues between us, she responded not with words, but with kisses, her frequent interruptions both endearing and frustrating, as she seemed to prefer this silent, affectionate dialogue over a spoken conversation.

As the silence between our kisses stretched, Jenn began, "Papi, I think we should—"  But I didn't let her finish, leaning in to kiss her, my actions speaking for me. She tried again, "It's important that you know—" I cut her off with another kiss, the urgency of my emotions overriding the need for words.

We got lost in a few minutes of intense, wordless communication, our make-out session a deep expression of pent-up emotions and affection. When we finally pulled away, breathless and more connected, we knew it was time to really talk. "Okay," I started, catching my breath, "we can't just kiss away the issues, can we?"

She looked at me with a soft but serious gaze and nodded. "You're right. I've been avoiding telling you... I was worried it might upset you more."I took her hand, encouraging her to continue.

"Jenn, whatever it is, we can handle it together. We always do."

She sighed, finally opening up. "It's just... the meeting tonight, it's with some big industry names," She paused, her expression serious. "I'm meeting with Diddy. I haven't seen him in a while, but he's reached out and is willing to help me secure a contract with Universal Music."

I couldn't help but laugh, the tension suddenly breaking. "Well, now I'm definitely going," I said with a smirk. "There's no way in hell I'm letting my wife hang out with her ex without me being there." The lightness in my tone aimed to ease the seriousness of the conversation, even as I half-joked about the situation.

Jenn quickly responded, "No, you can't come."

I raised an eyebrow, questioning her, "Why not?"

She was straightforward, "I'm planning to flirt my way into getting this deal. Not going to sleep with him, of course, but just enough flirting to convince him to let me secure the deal with Universal Music." Her plan was bold, revealing a strategic side to navigating her career moves.

I felt a surge of frustration. "That's not the right way to get a deal, Jenn," I said, my voice tense with concern.

But she stood her ground, her expression firm. "It is the way, Ben. I know how to talk for myself and secure what I need," she countered, emphasizing her confidence in her approach and her ability to handle the situation on her own terms.

I opened my mouth to protest, but Jenn cut me off. "And let's not forget, I'm two years older than you, Ben. I've got more experience in negotiating these kinds of deals," she asserted, her voice tinged with frustration. She then added, pointedly, "You don't have to negotiate like I do; things are handed to you. That's just the truth." Her words hit hard, reflecting a reality in our dynamic that was difficult to contest.

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