Chapter 42

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[ONLY PLAY THE SONG WHEN YOU SEE THE WORDS "You want to know more about me? Thank you :) x ]

"You giggle, softly, and the sound of your laughter leaping from your lungs slows me to a crawl. That laugh, my god that laugh refills all that has spilled from me; it is the oxygen mask to the plane crash I have always been."

- Tyler Knott Gregson.

Heated - Chapter 42

Currently, I am sitting on his bed as the white sheets blanket me and I hold it closer to my chest as to cover the way I feel as I watch him.

He scratches around for something for me to wear since he had seen how uncomfortable I am to shedding my skin like this. 

Yes, I said yes, but he... Well, he didn't want to take advantage of me, he didn't want to live life like he did as the person he was before he met me, so he says. He doesn't want to take anything from me, he only wants one thing that's worth more than anything - my love.

At first, I didn't understand why he wouldn't take me as his own when I surrendered myself unto him, but then I realized; love isn't just sex. Love is what you feel, the bond, the connection, the high feelings that it awakens inside of you. I know that people make love for love and I completely respect that, but I think that he was right as to stop it. I might think that I'm ready now, but in the morning would I be happy with my decision? What if something drastic happens and I lose him? I'd given myself away then to someone who was just a lesson and not a blessing. I don't want to live with that. 

Maybe some day when all is right, we'll both be ready to be consumed in the love of each other, but for tonight? That love would have to wait.

"You look as though you're in deep thought." I am suddenly pushed out of my reverie as I am met by the handsome, bare-chested, tall figure in front of me. "Here, I hope this is good enough."

He hands me a blue shirt as I take it into my hands. He has a soft smile on his face as he looks down on me. 

"Thank you."

I smile up at him as he then makes his way back to the drawer, his back is faced to me as I watch how his shoulders moves along with him. 

Quit drooling and put on the bloody shirt already!

My subconscious scowls at me as I figure that she is right and put the shirt onto me as I button it up. A flustered smile forms onto my lips as I realize that I'm actually wearing his shirt and it smells of him as well. 


I then set my gaze back onto Harry as his shirt has been fully set onto me and I swear my heart almost stopped beating at the sight. 

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