Chapter 2

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The next day, the six teenagers who auditioned for the glee club all got in. They were the only ones to audition. They were in the choir room, doing their first practice performance of 'Sit Down, You're Rockin' The Boat' from Guys and Dolls.

Mr Schuester is directing it, making them copy his jazz hands. Anakin does them half-heartedly, holding in her winces. Her stub of her knee has been aching for a couple of days. Her prosthetic leg rubbing against it from riding her skateboard too much. Her aunt Sue had driven her to school today and told her to take it easy. She has her nieces crutches in her office in case she needs them.

"We suck." Rachel Berry says, after pushing Artie's wheelchair into the piano.

"Uh, it... It'll get there. We-we just need to keep rehearsing." Mr Schue says, awkwardly.

"Mr Schuester, do you have any idea how ridiculous it is to give the lead solo in 'Sit Down, You're Rockin' The Boat' to a boy in a wheelchair?" Rachel says, as Artie wheels himself back to the group.

"I think Mr Schue is using the irony to enhance the performance." Artie says with a smile on his face. Mr Schue nods along.

"There is nothing ironic about show choir!" Rachel says, before storming out.

"Rachel...Rachel!" Mr Schue calls after her.

Anakin sits down on a chair, massaging her knee through her jeans.


Anakin sits in Sue's office the next day, reading her book with her cochlears off, having a hearing break. She finished the book she was reading two days ago yesterday, and started another one this morning. It is The Mist by Stephen King. She is really into fantasy and fiction, like mystery, thriller, dystopian. Romance sometimes but most of it is cliche.

Mr Schuester walks in and says hi to Anakin but she can't hear. He talks to Sue about something before leaving.

'What was all that about?' Anakin signs to her aunt, making Sue shrug.

'Some buttchin, butter in his hair, glee problem' Sue signs, making Ark laugh before going back to her book.

Sue watches her niece as she reads. Anakin is sitting on the sofa, her prosthetic leg resting against the side, her nubbin as she likes to call it, on top of a pillow to cushion it. Her black, curly hair held back from her face with a red bandana that used to be her dad's. Her reading glasses sit comfortably on her nose, occasionally slipping down, making Ark nudge them back up with her finger. Ark scrunches her nose at certain words, mouthing them out when she can't read them right, something she has done since she learnt to read.

Her niece reminds her so much of Jane sometimes, from her love of reading and music, to her habit of sticking her tongue out a little bit when focused. She gets her black hair from her dad, but her eyes from her mother. The left one is a mix of blue and brown, and the right one is a bright green, that goes to a dark green when she is angry or upset.

The glee club are in the auditorium, standing on the stage. Finn starts singing 'You're the One that I Want' from Grease. Rachel starts singing the female part, throwing the sheet music away.

Rachel walks down the line of the other members, walking behind Kurt, running her hand though his hair, moving onto touch Tina's chest, or more acurately her boobs. She pushes Artie's wheelchair away, again, Mr Schue stopping it from going off the stage. She squeezes Anakin's bicep, making Ark cringe away from her touch. Anakin stands between where Artie was and Mercedes. Rachel grabs Finn's hand and starts moving them back and forth as they sing, the look on Finn's face makes Ark smile slightly.

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