Chapter 13

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Wheels- Season 1 Episode 9 Part 1

In the gymnasium, the Cheerios are using skipping ropes in their routine. That creepy stalker kid, JBI sits on the bottom row of the bleachers, watching the girls in red and white.

Quinn sits near the top with Anakin, the taller girl laying down with her head on the blonde's lap. Quinn puts little plaits into the black curly hair of the girl. Ark has her eyes closed, relaxing into the hand in her hair.

Finn walks up the bleachers, sitting down next to his girlfriend. "You shouldn't do this to yourself."

"Do what?" Quinn asks quietly, but loud enough to be heard over the jumping and squeaks of the Cheerios shoes.

"I know how much it hurts to be off the team. You're just torturing yourself." Finn says, making Quinn shake her head.

"I don't mind being off the team. Sure, I was hurt at first, but I understand Coach Sue's reason. She cares in her own way." Quinn explains, starting on another plait in Ark's hair. The tall girl being close to sleep with the soothing hand of the blonde ex-cheerleader. "It's a good distraction from daily life. From here, I can see where they need to improve."

"From what?" Finn asks, referring to the distraction. Quinn pulls an envelope out of her bag that rests on Anakin's stomach and hands it to Finn. Paddington sits in front of them, looking up at Finn with a guarded look. "Six hundred and eighty-five dollars?"

"That's how much a sonogram costs. This is just the beginning. There's gonna be more doctor's visits, vitamins, new clothes for when I explode." Quinn tells her boyfriend.

"What are we going to do?" Finn sighs.

"What are you going to do?" Quinn emphasises the word 'you'.

"Well, I'm looking for a job. I mean, no one's hiring. I almost got in at Olive Garden, but they said I was too tall to be a busboy." Finn's words make Quinn scoff.

"Somewhere in that pea brain of yours is a man. Ark is more of a man than you, and she's 14." Quinn says, not stopping her hand in Ark's hair. "Access him and tell him to prove to me that I chose the right guy to have a baby with." Anakin frowns at Quinn's words.

"I will. I'll find a job. You can count on me, I swear." Finn says.

There is silence for about 10 seconds before Anakin hears Finn's heavy steps walk down the bleachers. She waits for him to be out of hearing range before talking.

"I have a job if you need help." Anakin says without opening her eyes.

Quinn looks down at the peaceful girl in her lap. "How? You're still a baby." She teases.

"Mr Burt gave me a job at his workshop this summer, so I wouldn't get in trouble again. He pays me well, and I do odd jobs on the weekends when I'm not volunteering at the hospital or the homeless shelter." Anakin tells her.

Quinn's silence makes Anakin open her eyes, worried that something is wrong. The blonde has a small, gentle smile on her face, her eyes soft as she looks down at the girl.

"You help people a lot. I admire that about you." Quinn says. Ark blushes, smiling lopsidedly.

"I like to help people who need it. And you are one of those people. So if you need money, I have some savings somewhere at home that I can give you."

"I'm glad I have you, Reggie." Quinn whispers.

"I'm glad you have me too, Quinnie."

"My name is Lucy." Quinn randomly blurts out a few minutes later after Anakin had closed her eyes again, drifting off into sleep.

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