Chapter 15 (S2E18)

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Born This Way

(I am skipping Night of Neglect. I just can't plan where to fit Anakin. She will be there but not included, acting like a background character. Most of it was scenes between Holly and Schue, Sue and the Hecklers, Sunshine coming and going, Mercedes falling into show stardom for a moment and Lauren encouraging her, with Rachel pulling her out of it. Sandy Ryerson giving glee club the money they need to get to Nationals in New York. My favourite song of this episode was Holly singing Turning Tables.)


In the auditorium, Mr Schuester stands in front of the glee clubbers as they prepare themselves for Nationals.

"All right, guys, nationals are just a few weeks away, and it's time to bear it down." He says.

Anakin stands in a pair of swimming trunks and a muscle top, having just woken up from a nap in Sue's office.

"And your singing at regionals was amazing, but your dancing..." Mr Schue trails off, standing up from where he was sitting on the piano. "It's booty camp time. Let's get it going."

Anakin laughs, muttering a 'booty' into Quinn's ear. The blonde laughs, shaking her head.

Mr Schue counts from 5 to 8. They all start some sort of dance. "Push yourselves, guys. Vocal Adrenaline takes no prisoners."

Rachel drops to the floor like a sack of potatoes after Finn accidentally hits her in the face with his flailing arms. Anakin drops to her side, holding her face in her hands carefully.

"I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" Finn asks, crouching down to Rachel's side. She tries to lift her hand to her nose, but Anakin stops her.

"No touching. It's bleeding and broken." She gently says, as Mr Schue bends down beside them.

"Let's get you to a doctor." Schue says, making Anakin help her up.

"I'll take her. These guys need all the help they can get, especially flail over here." Anakin nods her head at Finn. The boy follows them as the taller girl guides Rachel to nurses office.

Finn stays behind with her while Anakin heads to the locker room to change.


In the choir room the next day, the New Directions watch as Rachel stands in front of them, telling them about a thing to repair her deviated septum.

"Oh, my God. You're getting a nose job." Quinn says in disbelief.

"I'm considering having a minor procedure to repair my deviated septum." Rachel states.

"So, a nose job." Santana says.

"Look, I'm happy with the way that I look, okay? And I've embraced my nose. But, let's say I wanted to have a slightly more demure nose? Like Quinn's, for example. I would never change my appearance for vanity, but, I mean, the doctor said that it could possibly improve my talent, which would help us all for nationals, so..." Rachel explains.

"Possibly. What about the risks?" Mr Schue asks. "Your voice is amazing as is, Rachel."

Santana scoffs. "Hold up. Could we all just get real here for a second? I hear that Rachel's got a bit of a schnoz. I mean, I wouldn't know, because like Medusa, I try to avoid eye contact with her. But can we all just stop lying about how there aren't things that we wouldn't change about ourselves?" Santana says, before adding, "I mean, I'm sure that Sam's been at the doctor's office, and rifled through pamphlets on mouth reduction. I'll bet Artie's thought about getting his legs removed, since he's not really using them anyways. Anakin can have one of them, to replace the one she's lost. And I'm definitely sure that Tina's looked into getting an eye de-slanting." Anakin and the others look at her in disbelief.

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