Chapter 23

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Theatricality- Season 1 Episode 20

Anakin and Tina sit in Principal Figgins' office, Mr Schue is there too.

Figgins' is telling the two that they need to change their looks. Mostly Tina's goth look. Anakin has to stop wearing all black and hats inside. No clue why. People in this school and town are so weird. Apparently Tina is trying to turn Anakin into a goth, and a vampire, as Figgins' believes her to be.

So for now, Anakin changed into the spare in case of emergency clothes for if she gets slushied, just a pair of grey joggers and a white muscle top. She also had to take a couple of her rings off.

In the choir room, the group stare at Tina, who sits in a grey jumper, none of her usual dark make up on.

"It's so weird." Artie.

"This so isn't you." Finn.

"I feel like an Asian Branch Davidian." Tina says.

"Tina, is there any other looks you can try?" Mr Schue asks.

The group give different suggestions, all of which are turned down.

"My legs are really breezy, and it feels weird." Anakin says, shaking her legs around. She had on some grey joggers, a blue Nirvana band tee and red high-top converse. It does not match, but it was all she had. She doesn't really do colours, but these were the only coloured things that weren't black.

"What are you wearing?" Santana asks as she laughs.

Anakin pouts, "It was the only coloured thing I have. Figgins' told me to not wear black because he thinks I'll join Tina's vampire coven."

"Oh, you poor baby." Quinn pinches Anakin's cheeks, making a red hue and a smile replace the pout.

"Guys, we have a serious problem." Rachel says urgently as she walks in. "You know I've been doing some deep background on Vocal Adrenaline."

"Isn't that against the rules?" Artie asks.

"No, not at all. Or...probably. Whatever. Anyway, what I figured out, I rooted the dumpsters behind the Carmel Auditorium and I found 18 empty boxes of Christmas lights."

"Oh no." Tina gasps.

"Which led me to Joelle Fabrics. I asked them about red Chantilly lace, and they were sold out!" Rachel says dramatically.

"Oh, sweet Jesus." Mercedes sighs.

"Oh, my." Kurt looks shocked.

"What?" Mr Schue asks confusedly.

"They're doing Gaga." Kurt and Anakin say together.

"Oh, that's it. It's over." Mercedes says.

"Exactly!" Rachel crosses her arms.

"We should have guessed it. They're going for full-out theatricality. They know it's the easiest way to beat us. Damn them." Kurt states.

"What's up with this Gaga dude? He just dresses weird, right? Like Bowie?" Puck says.

"Lady Gaga is a woman" Kurt exclaims. "She's only the biggest pop act to come along in decades. She's boundary-pushing. The most theatrical performer of our generation. And she changes her look faster than Britt changes sexual partners."

"That's true." Brittany agrees.

Anakin gets bored of the conversation, so she takes Quinn's hand in hers to play with her fingers, tracing the lines on her palm.

The assignment for the week is Gaga, making the girls and Kurt excited.


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