Chapter 20

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The Power of Madonna- Season 1 Episode 15

The Glee girls sit in the choir room as the bell rings. Anakin sits a bit behind Quinn, who is drawing a very ugly Rachel Berry with hearts around it and the word LOSER above it. Rachel just looks over at Quinn's notebook with a sad look.

Anakin is also drawing, not a picture of Rachel, but a picture of Santana and Brittany, sitting together and whispering in each others ears.

"Can I ask you guys something private?" Rachel asks, looking at the girls.

"Yes, you should move to Israel." Santana says immediately, making Anakin snort. Quinn smiles at the sound.

Rachel carries a stool to in front of the group, sitting down, facing them. "It's about dating. Not that I'm dating anyone. We all know Finn and I are no longer an item and for the sake of the team, I broke up with Jesse." At those last words, Anakin fakes a cough into her fist saying, 'lies'. "But let's say I was dating someone. Let's just say, hypothetically, we went to a Wiggles concert last Friday night, and because my dads weren't home, we went up to my room and started making out. It-it was erotic and romantic. And the he said," She recites what Jesse said, "What if then he got really crabby and left and didn't even take home the Care Bear I won him playing Skeeball?" Rachel tells them.

"Would you please stop talking. You're grossing out my baby." Quinn says, making Anakin slide a bottle of water into her lap.

Even if they aren't really talking, Anakin will still be there for the pregnant teen.

"I just want to be ready. I know I'm getting older, and these things are gonna happen someday, but how do I stop a guy from getting mad at me for saying no?" Rachel asks, making Anakin lean forward in her seat, her head by Quinn's.

"Just do what I do. Never say no." Santana says, Brittany agreeing with her.

"Totally. I mean, what's the worst that can happen?" Brittany realises what she said, looking at Quinn. "Sorry, Quinn."

"Look, girl, don't ask me. The last guy I liked was the mayor of Gay Town. And I can't wait to get a guy mad at me for saying no." Mercedes tells Berry.

"We just have to accept that guys don't care about our feelings. Like, the other day, I was walking with Artie..." Tina tells them what the boy said.

"That's gotta sting." Rachel says, Mr Schue gets up from his seat at a desk to the side, where he was listening in on the conversation, but before he could talk, Anakin says something.

"If he can't accept the fact that you said no, then dump him, Rachel. Guys shouldn't get mad at that, and if they do then they just have a tiny cock and insecurities during sex. They want power over you, so they can control you." Anakin starts, and everyone's attention is on her. "If it were me you said no to, I would respect it and wait for when you are ready."

"Would you leave after I said no?" Rachel asks her, eyes wide with curiosity.

Anakin shakes her head, "No. I would put on your favourite musical and give you your comfort food. I would sit and talk if you wanted to, or stay in silence." Her words have the girls thinking about their relationships or future ones.

"I wish I was into you right now, Anakin." Rachel says, making Anakin laugh.

"Damn, girl got heart. I need a man like you, baby Griff." Mercedes smiles over at Anakin.

Quinn just sits in silence, tense in her chair. Anakin is still right by her ear, her smooth British accent sounding right into her brain, imprinting the words onto the hippocampus, the part of the brain that controls memory, because she wants to remember it.

Honey, Honey (Quinn Fabray)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz