Chapter 17 (S2E20)

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Prom Queen

Principal Figgins called Anakin, Alexa, Nova and Benson into his office during third period, which was embarrassing.

"Are we in trouble?" Nova asks, holding onto Anakin's arm.

"No, you're not in trouble, Miss Williams. I've called you in here because we need a band to play at Prom. Mr Schuester has already agreed to let the New Directions play." Figgins says, looking between the four.

"Will we get paid?" Benson asks, shrugging when Alexa nudges him.

"Yes." Is Figgins' answer.

"Then we'll happily play." Benson smiles, dodging Anakin's hit.

They walk out of the office and round the corner, out of sight, stopping. They share a look before jumping up and down excitedly.

"Woo. We are rising up, bitches." Nova shouts, making Anakin cover her mouth.

"It is still lesson time, Nov." She laughs.

They celebrate for a few minutes before splitting and heading back to their classes.


Santana, Lauren and Brittany walk into the choir room. Anakin lays on top of the piano, her head hanging off the edge. They are talking about Prom and dresses.

She listens to the conversation from where she is as Quinn joins.

"Oh, you can get married as many times as you want. You only have one shot at your junior prom."

"What are you guys talking about?" Mercedes walks in.

"Prom dresses." Lauren tells her.

"Thank God I don't have to worry about that. I'm not going." Mercedes says, sitting down and crossing her arms.

"Why not?" Kurt asks.

"Because nobody's asked me."

"I would have asked you, Cedes, but I'm going with my Queen." Anakin calls out, letting her hand drop over the edge of the piano.

"Sit up, Reg, or the blood will rush to your head." Quinn rolls her eyes at her girlfriend. Anakin does as she's told, sitting up too fast that she rolls off the piano and onto the floor.

She lands with a thud. "Ow." She groans out, just giving up with life.

"Dork." Quinn stands up, heading over to Anakin. "You okay down there, baby?" She asks, tilting her head.

Anakin looks up at her, squinting her eyes. "Am I in Wonderland? It's like I'm looking at an angel." She smiles lopsidedly.

Quinn shakes her head, a blush on her cheeks. She reaches down for her girlfriend's raised hand. "You're such a charmer. Come on, up you get."

Anakin stands up, accidentally falling into Quinn. She sticks her arms out, catching herself against the piano so Quinn doesn't hit her back on it.

"Way to make us feel single." Mercedes calls out to the two, making them turn to face her.

They walk to their seats as Mr Schue writes Prom on the board.

"All right, guys. Prom." He says.

"Please tell m we're not doing songs about prom." Sam groans.

"Nope. We are the prom. Figgins has asked us to perform." Schue says.

"Let's do 'Run, Joey, Run'." Rachel blurts out, getting looks from everyone.

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