Chapter 8

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The Rhodes Not Taken- Season 1 Episode 5

The New Directions are in the choir room, practicing Don't Stop Believin', Finn and Quinn doing the leads.

"A singer in a smoky room

A smell of wine and cheap perfume

For a smile, they can share the night

It goes on and on and on and on."

Quinn and Finn spin around in a circle, Anakin watching them closely in case Quinn is sick. Before the next verse can be sung, Quinn puts a hand over her mouth and runs out of the choir room. The music stops, so Anakin follows after Quinn, grabbing their bags and Paddy's lead on the way. She ignores the calls from Mr Schue and Finn's lame excuse of Quinn eating a bad breakfast burrito.

The door to the bathroom closes behind Anakin as she walks into the girls bathroom. She knows Quinn most likely cleared it out, or it is empty because it is class time. She sets their bags down by the sink, taking the bottle of water and chewing gum from it, putting them in her jumper pocket.

Anakin holds Quinn's hair back as she is sick, rubbing a comforting hand up and down her back.

"You're ok, Quinn." Anakin coos, letting Quinn catch her breath.

The cheerleader groans as she leans her back against the toilet stall wall. She avoids Anakin's eyes, accepting the water she is holding out.

"I know that ginger can help with the morning sickness, so I brought some ginger ale and lollies for you." Anakin says, passing the blonde the pack of mint chewing gum. "I have some lollies in my bag just in case you need one. And some saltine crackers, they help with my travel sickness."

"Thank you." Quinn thanks her, moving a strand of hair out of her face. "How do you know all this?" She asks, running her fingers through Paddington's fur.

"Books my mum used to have. She was pregnant before she died, and I would read them while she rested." Anakin smiles sadly to herself. They didn't even know the gender of the baby, because she was only 12 weeks pregnant.

Quinn just rests her head on Anakin's shoulder, sighing tiredly. "I don't know what I am going to do. I'm tired of trying to hide it, but I can't tell anyone. Finn is a nice guy and all, and I love him, but I can't keep the baby." She says, feeling Anakin grab her hand.

"I am here for you. Whatever you need. If you want to put it up for adoption, or raise it yourself, I will hold your hand through the whole thing." Anakin promises, making Quinn's heart soar.

"I appreciate you a lot, Reg." Quinn hides her face into Anakin's bicep.

They sit there in silence for another 20 minutes before Anakin stands up, pulling Quinn up with her. Ark gets a toothbrush and a small tube of toothpaste out her her bag, making Quinn look at her in confusion.

Anakin looks at her with an embarrassed red hue to her face. "I wanted to be prepared for you. I figured you wouldn't want to walk around or kiss Finn with sick breath."

"You think of everything, Reggie." Quinn takes the things from Anakin and brushes her teeth.


In glee club the next day, Mr Schuester stands in front of everyone with an older woman by his side.

"Guys, I would like to introduce you to someone very special." He says, motioning to the lady. "This is April Rhodes. She's our newest member." His words confuse the teenagers.

"She looks like Glinda from Wicked." Anakin says aloud. April winks at her, doing weird finger guns.

"Wait, so old people can join the Glee Club now?" Finn asks. Anakin snorts to herself.

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