Chapter 16

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Hairography- Season 1 Episode 11

Anakin is on the phone to someone she met from Jane Addams Academy a few weeks ago, Aphasia. She is telling Ark about seeing a white dude with buttery curly hair, and that she tried to steal his wallet. Anakin laughed at that. She then tells the story of how she tried to rob a bank, making Anakin wish she joined. She's always wanted to plan a heist so daring.

"So how is your choir thing going?" Anakin asks Aphasia before they end the call.

"It's fun, but a bit difficult to practice when we have no place big enough for it." Aphasia says, Anakin hums.

"I think Mr Schuester, Buttchin butter hair man," Anakin says when the girl on the other end asks who, "He probably offered our auditorium for you lot to practice in. It sounds like something he would do."

Anyway, the call ended with a promise to see each other over the weekend.


So here they are now, the New Directions and Jane Addams girls, in the auditorium. The girls group are on the stage.

"Okay, guys, so first of all, I want to welcome Ms. Hitchens and the Jane Addams Glee Club. We're all very happy to have you guys here. So, we're gonna let you guys start us off. Let's see what you got." Mr Schue says, walking off the stage.

"Hit it." Ms Hitchens says and the music starts.

Anakin sits in the front row, looking up at the girls with wide eyes. She is speechless the whole performance, as some of the girls wink at her.

When the performance comes to an end, Anakin stands up from her seat, clapping and cheering loudly. "Whoo! You go, girls." As they pass her, some stop to ruffle her hair, making her whine at them for ruining it. Paddington howls in glee.

"How do they know you?" Quinn asks the taller girl as they leave the auditorium.

"I got in trouble once, met them and we bonded over our crimes." Anakin shrugs, holding the door open for the blonde.

"You got arrested?" The ex-cheerleader asks in disbelief.

"Yeah, the summer of 2008. I stole some food and DVDs from some shop and I got caught. I was used to stealing things to survive for 4 years, and I never got caught, but karma got me and that's it." Ark says as she links arms with Quinn as they walk down the corridor.


In the choir room, Anakin is talking to Santana about something Paddington did that morning.

"....And then he ran into my shower, stole my puffle and ran out again, leaving puddles of water everywhere. So I had clean that up before drying him. I swear he is a demon in a cute doggy body." Anakin says, ruffling Paddy's ear, as he rests his head on Santana's lap.

"I may have taught him a few things." Santana says, not even feeling a little guilty.

Mr Schue walks in before Anakin can reply.

"All right, guys, I did some thinking last night. I think I found out new number for sectionals. We're gonna do the title song from Hair. Now, this show started a revolution." The teacher says, holding a stack of papers in his hand.

"Wait, did they have Mohawks back then? Like in the '20s or whatever?" Puck asks.

"Yeah, Mr Schue, if we're gonna do a song about hair, shouldn't we have more hair?" Finn asks, showing his short hair.

Mr Schue shrugs his bag off his shoulder, holding it up. "I'm one step ahead of you. Here are your wigs." He throws the bag to Finn, before Rachel pulls the teacher away to say something.

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