Chapter 6

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The Substitute -Season 2 Episode 7

Coach Sue Sylvester, the mean cheerleading coach, Anakin Arcadia Regulus Griffin's aunt, is the Principal of William McKinley High School after Figgins came down with the flu. Lauren Zizes sneezed on him at Sue's command.

In the choir room, Anakin watches as an ill looking Mr Schuester walks in, going up to the white board.

"Does he look sick to you?" Anakin leans over to whisper to Santana.

"Yeah. Looks like he might drop any minute." The Latina laughs.

"All right, guys, um...Time to start thinking about song selections." Mr Schue sounds out of it too.

The teacher turns around, his eyes widening when he sees a bunch of children in the place of the teens.

"Looking good, Puckerman. Someone's been eatin' their Wheaties." Young Santana says.

"These guns are fully loaded." The young Noah says, flexing his arms and kissing each bicep.

"Mr Schue, I for one, think we should use our setlist for sectional to start exploring the oeuvre of one Bernadette Peters." Young Rachel says, making young Anakin look at her.

"Who is Bernadetty Peters?" She asks, a slight lisp to her voice as she is missing her front teeth.

"Someday, I'm gonna go to Paris and visit the 'Oeuvre'." Young Brittany says.

"I just want to dance." Young Mike Chang states.

"Mr Schuester, you look a little green." Young Mercedes tells the teacher.

"You look like you are gonna hurl, sir." Young Anakin says.

"Um, I think I'm gonna go see the nurse."

"My mummy is a nurse. She helps sick people. Are you going to see her?" Anakin asks, smiling at the thought of her mum.

"But first, I feel like I should get you guys a sitter." The teacher says.

Older Anakin looks at him weirdly. "I think the dude is hallucinating."


Rachel is trying to take over the glee club in Mr Schue's absence.

With the man gone, there is a substitute for Spanish class. Miss Holliday can actually speak Spanish more than Schue.

And so, Kurt gets Miss Holliday to take over glee club.

Anakin is skating through the hallways towards the choir room, not knowing that Puck is buttering the floor.

She weaves in and out of the people walking, headphones on her ears so she can't hear them shouting as they jump out of the way.

Nearing the choir room, the door in sight, she sniffs the air, smelling butter.

"That stupid idiot." She shakes her head to herself.

Skating through the door, she turns the board, making it slide over the buttered floor. She doesn't hear the gasps from everyone or see the look of worry from Quinn. She underestimated the amount of slip and flipped off her board, diving into the chairs on the risers.

Jumping up quickly, she checks her Walkman and headphones. They are somehow unscathed. She throws her hands in the air.

"Whoo!" She cheers to herself, and the others join clapping loudly.

"Anakin Arcadia Regulus Griffin!" Said person freezes at the sound of Quinn Fabray shouting her full name.

"Uh oh. The government name." Santana sing-songs teasingly.

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