Chapter 2

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Britney/Brittany- Season 2 Episode 2

In the choir room, Anakin watches as Mr Schue writes Christopher Cross on the whiteboard.

"All right. Who can tell me who Christopher Cross is?" The teacher asks, walking away from the board.

"He discovered America." Brittany says, making Finn nod in agreement.

"Didn't he sing that song called 'Sailing'?" Anakin asks, raising her hand.

"Yes, he did. Well done, Anakin. His iconic chart topper 'Sailing'." Schue says.

"I have a bad feeling about this lesson." Kurt says, looking over at Mercedes.

"Never heard of him. Don't wanna hear about him." Tina states from her place next to Mike.

Anakin zones out, writing some lyrics in her song book. Her and Benson were on the phone to his dad, or step-dad, about the possibility of an album when they get more fans, and they can build up from there.

She misses Kurt saying that they should do Britney Spears and Brittany saying she doesn't want to because her name is also Brittney Spears, Brittany S.Pierce.

"Anakin, come back to the real world." Mr Schue claps his hands near her face as he passes her, causing her to flinch back. She glares at him as he walks away.


The next day, Miss Pillsbury and a man stand by Mr Schue at the front of the room. He introduced himself as Carl. He looks like Uncle Jesse to Anakin.

"All right. Here's the deal. You chew this little capsule. If there's any plaque you missed, the dye will stick to it and turn your teeth blue." Carl explains, holding up the little pill thing.

"Can I just say that you are the hottest dentist I've ever seen?" Santana says, making Anakin grimace. Carl hands the pill out.

The taller girl observes the pill, wondering if it will make her tongue feel weird or make her feel sick.

Anakin holds her hand in the air. "Mr Carl, sir?"

"Ah, Anakin. I almost didn't recognise you. You've changed from the scrawny thirteen year old I knew. What's your question?" Carl asks, looking at the girl.

"Will this thing affect me in any way? I don't like foreign things being in my mouth without me knowing what it is." Anakin wonders, thinking of the past.

"It will just taste a little weird. But you can wash it out after." Carl sees the girl nod as she hesitantly raises the pill thing to her mouth. She chews on it, grimacing at the taste.

Ark smiles at Santana, having a clear smile, no blue in sight.

Rachel, Artie and Brittany have blue teeth.

"You looked cute with your braces on. I'm gonna miss them." Santana pinches Anakin's cheeks.

"Santa." Anakin whines, swatting the older girl's hand away.

"Ana." The Latina teases, smiling at her. "You have a charming smile. Girls will fall at your feet when you show it to them." She smirks at Quinn as she says this.


Anakin sits in the library doing her maths homework. She absolutely hates that lesson.

A person walks over, sitting in front of her. She looks up seeing a bleached blond boy there. He looks like he puts lemon juice in it to brighten the colour.

"Uh, hello?" She looks at the boy who smiles at her. His mouth is huge, but she won't say that out loud.

"Hey. You're Griffin, right?" He asks. Anakin nods, confused. "I've seen your songs on YouTube. I'm kind of a fan."

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