Chapter 10 (S2E12)

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Silly Love Songs- Season 2 Episode 12

Anakin and Quinn are walking down the school hallways, Paddington in between them, as they talk. Finn walks past them, smirking at Quinn.

"What was that about?" Anakin asks, watching the boy walk away.

"He tried to kiss me after the game, but I avoided it." Quinn doesn't hesitate to answer.

"HE WHAT?" Anakin yells out, stopping in her tracks. People turn to look their way.

"Lower your voice." Quinn hisses, sending glares to those who are looking at them. "He has been flirting with me more for some reason, sending me his dopey smirk, not listening to me say no to going out with him."

"I'll knock his teeth out." Anakin tries to walk off in the direction Finn went, but Quinn grabs her wrist.

"I can handle it, Reg. I'll be fine." Quinn watches as Anakin's eyes darken as she nods.

"He thinks he can have anyone now that the football team won, but he decides to go after you, who is taken." Anakin scoffs as they continue walking down the corridor.

In the choir room, Anakin watches as Mr Schue writes Love on the whiteboard with a heart around it.

"All right, guys. I have one word for you." He says, turning to face the group. "Brittany?"

Brittany raises her hand. "Is it love?" She asks. "I'm totally gonna graduate now!" She says eccitedly.

"Valentine's Day is coming up, so for this week's lesson, I want you guys to pick a partner, because you're gonna sing to them what you think is the world's greatest love song." Anakin freezes in her seat, eyes wide and breath still. "Yeah, find a song that communicates all the things that love means to you. Now, partner up."

Santana notices Anakin's nose twitching in anxiety, making her grab the girl's hand and squeeze it tightly.

"Mr Schue? Can I say something?" Finn asks, standing up, walking in front of everyone.

Anakin zones out, thinking back to the days before her family died. They used to love Valentine's Day. The 3 Griffin children would watch as their dad made breakfast in bed for their mum, gave her flowers and chocolates, treated her like royalty for the day, more than he usually did. They were so in love. It was a love Anakin always wanted to grow up to have, and she got that with Quinn. But then that went to shit.

She now hates Valentine's Day, because it is the day her family died in the fire. Fun, right? She hates any holiday that involves family. Birthdays, Halloween and Christmas. On these days, she would stay home, curl into a ball on the sofa, wrapped up in her fluffy pink blanket and watch her comfort films. Mamma Mia, The Parent Trap, It Takes Two, Freaky Friday, The Princess Diaries. She has them all on DVD so she can watch them whenever.

She finds herself lost in memories as Santana's grip keeps her tethered to reality.

"And Finn is right, all you ever do it insult us. Three weeks ago, you said you were disappointed that I didn't have a lizard baby." Quinn says, looking at Santana.

"I happen to love Beth, Quinn. She is adorable. But it would be cool if she was a lizard baby." Santana snaps back, feeling Anakin's hand tremble in hers.

"Five minutes ago, you said Mr Schue belonged in a twelve-step program." Tina says.

"Wait, what?" The teacher asks.

"You're addicted to vests." The Latina says, shrugging.

"The truth is, Santana, you can dish it out, but you can't take it. Okay, maybe you're right. Maybe I am destined to play the title role in the Broadway musical version of Willow, but the only job you're gonna have is working on a pole." Rachel's exclamation snaps Anakin out of her head. She turns to glare at the girl.

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