Chapter 11 (S2E13)

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Comeback-Season 2 Episode 13

Anakin stands outside of her aunt's apartment, waiting for her to answer it. She got there a minute before Mr Schue and Miss Pillsbury did.

"What are you two doing here?" Anakin asks them, taking her spare key out of her pocket.

"We found something in Sue's office." Emma says, looking at Will weirdly when he nudges her.

"What'd you find? All the butter for his hair that she stole from his fridge?" Anakin gets the door open.

"No. A suicide note." Mr Schue's words make Anakin freeze, before she runs to her aunt's room.

The bedroom door is locked, so Anakin throws her shoulder against it a couple of times before it opens. She sees Sue laying in the middle of her bed with empty bottles of something around her.

Anakin goes to her side, putting two fingers to the woman's neck. She sighs in relief, feeling a pulse. "She's alive." She picks up one of the empty bottles, throwing at the wall when she sees that it is a gummy vitamin one.

Mr Schue and Miss Pillsbury come to the bed, the man patting Sue's cheeks.

"Wake up, Sue, wake up."

"She doesn't have a pulse." Miss Pillsbury says, making Anakin roll her eyes.

"Yes she does." "Yes, I do." Anakin and Sue say.

"I just stopped my own heart. It's my CIA training. These gummy vitamins didn't work at all. I was told you take enough vitamin A, and you drift off into a blissful oblivion." Anakin zones out as Sue talks, glaring at her aunt. "I have nothing to live for."

"Your niece is right here, Sue. And she had to find you like this." Miss Pillsbury points at Anakin who is staring with a glare.

"Baby Griff..." Sue starts when she sees her niece. Anakin just rolls her eyes with a scoff and walks out of the room.

She gets to her flat, unlocking the door and shutting it loudly behind her. She chucks her bag on the sofa, pacing the floor of her living room. Tears fill her eyes, falling over the edges and cascading down her cheeks. Her hands pull at the ends of her hair, pain shooting through her scalp but she doesn't care.

Her aunt tried to kill herself, with fucking vitamin gummies. She has Jean and Anakin to live for. Anakin didn't have anyone when she tried, she had just run away from an abusive foster home and she couldn't take any more.

Anakin stops her pacing in front of the door to her flat, leaning back against it. She slides to the floor, holding her head in her hands. She tries to keep her cries in but she can't and they release themselves.


The hallways of McKinley High School are crowded as Anakin walks through them. Her head is down, avoiding everyone who walks by her. Her headphones cover her ears, the music blocking out the surrounding noise.

Sam and Quinn stand by the former's locker, watching as Anakin walks past them.

"What's wrong with Ark?" Sam asks, frowning as he looks at Quinn.

Quinn shrugs. "I don't know. She hasn't been answering my texts or calls lately."

The two share a look and follow after Anakin. They watch as she pauses at Sue's normal office before walking off, towards somewhere they lose track of.

"She always lays in Sue's office when she doesn't feel well. Why would she avoid it?" Quinn asks herself.

Anakin lays on the grass in the middle of the football pitch, her arms and legs spread out, like she's doing a snow angel in no snow.

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