Chapter 18 (S2E21)

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In the choir room, the glee clubbers sit as Schue stands in front of them.

"New Directions, I'd like to introduce to you to our new show choir consultant, Jesse St. James." Only Rachel claps.

"I don't trust this guy." Finn says. "How do we know he's not just gonna trick us into doing something stupid so his alma mater wins?"

"I don't think I need to do much tricking to get you to do something stupid, Finn." Jesse states.

"Guys, Jesse is just a consultant. I still make all the calls. Now I have all the confidence in the world in you guys. I just think we could use all the help we can get, because..." Mr Schue points to the whiteboard that says NATIONALS on it. "This is it. We've been working so hard for two years for this moment. And that moment is finally here. I was talking with Jesse and he agreed we should continue with our successful trend of doing original songs for the competition."

"We did it once." Anakin says aloud, getting ignored by the teacher.

"I was thinking of doing one group number and one duet."

"Rachel and I should sing a duet. We killed it last year at regionals with Faithfully." Finn leans forward in his seat.

"Yeah. It killed us. We lost." Quinn comments, making Anakin snort.

The conversation goes on but Anakin just leans her head on Quinn's shoulder. She barely slept last night. She has had a bad feeling in her stomach for days, and knows it will only turn out bad. With Jean having Pneumonia, anything could happen.

Jesse goes on about making them compete for the duet spots or something.


Anakin sits at Jean's beside that night, reading to her. When she sees that her aunt has fallen asleep, she puts the book to the side and leans forward, placing a kiss on Jean's forehead.

"Sleep well, Jeanie." She lays her head down beside Jean's hand and falls asleep, too tired to move.

At around 2 in the morning, she jumps awake, her heart beating fast. Jean's hand feels cold, and she knows her aunt doesn't like cold hands, unless they are Anakin's ones.

She notices that Jean's chest isn't moving, making her panic. "Jeanie?" She shakes her shoulder lightly, but doesn't get a response. "Aunt Jean?" She places two fingers to Jean's neck, gasping when she doesn't feel a pulse. "Someone help!" Anakin yells out, still trying to wake Jean up. "Please wake up."

Two of the night nurses come running into the room, looking at Anakin shaking Jean. "You need to step away, sweetie." One says, walking up to Anakin.

"She's not waking up." Anakin looks over to the woman, her eyes wide. The nurse gently pushes her into the chair at the side, blocking her view of Jean.

"I know, sweetie. I'm sorry." The lady says, smiling sadly.

Anakin shakes her head. "No, she can't be gone. S-she can't go." The nurse pulls Anakin into her, holding the back of her head as the girl cries.

Sue arrives 25 minutes later, rushing into the room. "What happened?" She looks around, seeing Anakin crying into the woman's stomach.

"Jean passed away in her sleep. Anakin was here with her." The other night nurse tells her.

Sue nods numbly, walking over to her niece. She rests a hand on her back. Anakin, recognising the toucj, jumps out of her seat and wraps her arms around Sue, crying into her shoulder.

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