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**Wonyoung POV**

Liz and I raced back through school. The lockers were located on the northeast wing of the building. We were on the west. I estimate it would take about 8 minutes by running. Hopefully Rei was so busy with soccer practice that she has not opened her locker today. We were maybe 3 meters away when we saw a girl sitting on a bench. She was holding her phone with her left hand and her right hand was out of sight although in the form of a fist like she was holding something small in it. She had the same black hair Rei has and the same navy blue JanSport backpack that Rei has and the same pink-purple Hello Kitty lunchpail Rei has.

It was Rei.

We both halted in our tracks, almost tumbling over.

"Hey guys!" Rei waved at us with a bright smile. I studied her face. Her face was wet, presumably from washing after practice, her black hair usually kept in a bun was now kept over her shoulder. She also had a band-aid over her left cheek to cover damages from practice.

Liz and I glanced at each other worriedly, then approached Rei with a smile.

"Heyyy, whatcha got there?" I asked nervously.

"Oh it's nothing" she tossed it in her backpack hurriedly.

I nervously chuckled, "no really what you got there?"

She flashed a suspicious look, "I mean it's just a note that I got."


"A note you say?" Liz sat down beside her. "From who?"

Rei glanced at me and back at Liz. She leaned in to whisper something in her ear while staring me down. Liz whispered a response. I stared at them both anxiously. They must be talking about the confession note right?

"Oh Wonyoung so you know that we're dating!" Rei grabbed Liz's hand. This turned the latter into a bright red mess.

"Yeah! Congratulations you guys. I'm rooting for your success!" I held up my fists in a cheering position. "So if I might ask, when did you first fall for Liz?" I questioned, trying to get her unfocused so I could get the answer of who's note she was reading from Liz. I shot her a menacing look but she just nodded no. I guess it wasn't my note?

I wasn't paying attention to what Rei was saying, although Liz was, obviously feeling embarrassed.

Rei concluded "I thought you guys left already," she chuckled, "it's been like 30 minutes since practice ended for you guys right?"

"We were actually coming here so that Wonyoung could..." Liz trailed off obviously trying to think of an excuse.

"So that I could find my ribbon that I lost today" I finished, "I think it was lost around the lockers. You wouldn't have been around the lockers today have you?". I prayed that Rei would say no.

"I haven't but if you want, I could help you find it" 

What a relief. 

"Actually, you can search around here..." I glanced at Liz. I knew what I had to do. "...with Liz".

Liz turned bright red. Before she could say anything I ran as fast as I could toward the lockers. Thank me later Liz!


I reached the lockers at last. I had to take a breather really quick. I am NOT used to running so fast and for such a large distance. I placed my hand on the side of the wall and looked down, taking large breaths. When I finally stopped huffing and puffing like the Big Bad Wolf. I walked to Rei's locker. As I arrived, I was in such a hurry I bumped into someone. I fell down dropping my phone on my head. 

PS: that REALLY hurt!

I picked up my phone and jumped back up.

"Hey I'm sorry I bu-"

It was that Yutin(?) girl. She turned toward me and had a slight smirk. 

"YOU," I pointed at her, "You're a new student here right? You're the one who sits next to me in calc? You're always sleeping in class so I never got the chance to talk to you."

"I see I have a fan" she chuckled.

I fake laughed "Yeah well I'm sorry about running into you, I wasn't looking. Could you remind me of your name?"

"Wow I see how it is. You become cheer captain and don't make the effort to remember your classmate's names?" Yuchen(?) said sarcastically.

I was honestly taken aback, "Look man I really am sorry, but I just couldn't remember your name, so if you can just remind me of it, then I hope we can become friends".

"You can call me 'Taeyeon'" she extended her hand for a handshake. I looked at her hand but did not shake it.

"I know that's not it so stop joking around." At this point, I started to become a bit infuriated.

"Oh don't keep me hanging Wonyoung" she mocked. Shoot, I have no excuse now, she remembered my name so why couldn't I remember hers. I started to become frustrated. I mean... she was probably the main reason but nevertheless I became heated.

"Don't mess with me." I warned.

She exaggerated a scared reaction, throwing her hands up in "fear". She responded: "Or what? You gonna assault me with pom-poms?"

She took out a skateboard from her locker. As she walked past me, she murmured with a wink: "see ya later cutiepie." That was when I realized something. Why did she just close locker "I-3"?

I grabbed her arm, "why did you just close locker I-3?"

"Considering you've liked me 'since the 4th grade' and asked me out to Homecoming, I'd expect you to know my locker number" Yulin(?) remarked. 

I pointed at the locker appalled; "t-t-that's YOUR locker???"

It dawned on me. I'm a fool and now this brat knows my secret.

She pat my shoulder and leaned in to whisper: "Hello Wonyoung, I'm Yujin and I would love to go to the dance with you".

Confessions// AnnyeongzWhere stories live. Discover now