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**Wonyoung's POV**

The time for my least favorite holiday has come. Halloween. The night where everyone tries their hardest to scare the hell out of me. I'm not a big fan of horror as you can tell. I can't even watch horror movies well. As soon as the screen goes dark, I scream like a electrocuted rat. You can ask my family, that shriek of terror even haunts them. It's just something about things popping out or running at you which does not work for me. The ONLY good thing about Halloween these days is dressing up and having fun cosplaying as a character. My parents told me I grew out of my candy phase very early on, although I still snack on some Kit-Kats if they're in my vicinity. My younger sister, Leeseo as we've nicknamed her, is the complete opposite of me. She LIVES for horror. Even in the days leading up to Halloween, her innate vengeful witch spirit emerges and she starts to control the house like we're her dollhouses. It was cute to watch when she was younger. I remember one time when she was 7, she got her hands on scissors and spent an entire afternoon shaving our poor dog, Snow, in her room. The look on my parents' faces when Snow ran down the stairs for his dinner looking fresh out of escaping from a paper shredder was priceless. It didn't help that there was even more dog fur around the house either. Ever since, she grew up, Leeseo has really upped her game. Last year, she spent the afternoon before I got home from school, completely rearranging my room. Annoying right? Well, along with moving around everything I had in my room, she engineered jack-in-the-boxes to pop out whenever I tried to move something important back like my makeup or even my bed. To be honest, it's been a whole year and I'm still not sure that I've found all the jack-in-the-boxes...

Before I went home after school, I decided to go over to Yujin's house. She has a younger sister, so I wondered if Leeseo and I could tag along with them so we could go trick-or-treating together. I knocked on the door. It was actually Yuyeon who answered.

I crouched down, "Hey Yuyeon is Yujin home?"

"WONYOUNG IS HERE" she screamed to the house.

I looked above Yuyeon to find Yujin sitting at the dining table eating. She already changed out of her school clothes as she was now sporting a white T-shirt, and old gym shorts. Her hair was tied up in a messy bun with smaller strands sticking out. She had on her thick glasses as she sat there, one foot on the chair, reading from her phone.

"WHAT DOES SHE WANT" Yujin screamed back.

"Yujin asked what do you want?" Yuyeon reciprocated.

"Can I come in?" I sweetly babytalked. Yuyeon tilted to the side to allow me space.

I walked over to Yujin, who was still engrossed in whatever she was reading. I sat opposite of her. I sat there for what felt like an eternity, patiently waiting for Yujin to acknowledge my existence. Finally, I gave up and just started talking: "Are you and Yuyeon going trick-or-treating tonight? I was thinking me and Hyunseo could join you guys so we can just go together." 

She still did not pay me any attention so I did the most logical thing that I could think of. I swiped her phone. It was almost like she was one of those Madame Tussaud's wax figures. She eventually muttered a response, "yeah sure".

"Great! Me and Hyunseo will come by at...," I glanced at the wall clock, "let's say 8:30". I fistbumped Yuyeon on the way out. Time to get my make up done!

**Yujin's POV**

I was finishing up my art project when I heard the doorbell ring. It was 7:54, so it couldn't have been my dad coming home from work; he gets home at like 9:00. I assumed he got off a hour early, which is good cause I needed to ask him for money. I had my skateboard confiscated the other day so I needed to buy a new one. One of the security guards saw me riding it around the hallways and took it from me because of "reckless behavior". My teacher said I could get it back if I gave him a written note from my parents apologizing and whatnot- like that's ever gonna happen! There were heavy footsteps on the stairs. I grew used to Yuyeon running around but these footsteps sounded much more powerful. I continued to glue parts and pieces onto the trifold. My art project was more-so a collection of garbage that I stapled, taped, glued, and poked into a big board but nothing screams "Saving The Environment" like recycling trash right? As I glued on the last piece of litter; a crumpled up water bottle, my bedroom door swung open.

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