{8}-Homecoming (Y)

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**Yujin's POV**

With all the Homecoming festivities, school was even more painful to get through than usual. There were posters and flyers hung all around the walls, girls going wild with excitement, the couple fever was disgustingly strong, and...so. much. noise.

After I got home on Friday, I ate a quick sandwich then took a nap. Wonyoung and her other two friends decided to be good Samaritans and left early to help set-up the décor with the Dance Committee. As much as I wanted to help them out, I didn't want to. With that being said, I had a rude awakening as I was woken up to getting my butt slapped by my mom. I barely lifted my head out the blanket when I hazily saw my mom's face yelling at me: "GET UP YOU IDIOT".



I glanced over at my alarm clock... I made out a 5...then a 0... so it was only 5:0X..... My eyes widened as squinted more, IT WAS 7:50!

Oh man I missed the dance! Oh well. I draped my blanket on top of me again. My mom did NOT like that. She physically pushed me off the bed so I took hard tumble onto the floor. I decided as to not injure myself to take a shower and go to the dance. I changed and rushed out of the house snatching a banana to eat on the way. 

Hopefully, Wonyoung is so busy still that she didn't notice that her date is one hour late... (it doesn't sound that good does it...?). I ran as fast as I could to get to school. When I reached the front gate, I had to sit on a bench at the front to take a breather. When I finally felt like my legs weren't about to fall off, I walked in. The hallway was decorated very nicely. There were cut-outs of tons of marine creatures on the walls. Near the entrance of the gym doors, I saw the photo booth. The band kids came passing by next to me, so I assumed I wasn't too late if the band hasn't started yet (I later found out that: no, I was still REALLY late). There was also free hats of various ocean animals that they were handing out. I took one of the hats for myself; I got a crab. I walked around the gym trying to find Wonyoung or even one of her friends. I couldn't find her. I couldn't shake the thought that she might've just left the dance since I didn't come. I realized I was in such a rush earlier that I never checked my phone. I took out my phone and was greeted by 68 text messages from Wonyoung. It was stuff around the lines of: "wya", "r u comin?", "where are you", "yujin?", "dont be like this", then the last 40 or so was just a copy/paste of "WHERE ARE YOU". I sent a quick text asking where she was but I doubt she'd reply with all the commotion of a party. I continued looking around starting from going over the outline of the huddle of students. I kept walking around until I stumbled around the restrooms. I decided that I wasn't finding her anytime soon so I just lined up for the restroom. As I waited, the girls in front of me were talking a lot and most importantly, REALLY LOUDLY. I had nothing better to do so I eavesdropped on their gossip sesh.

One of the girls murmured "gdwhagdwh plan with Wonyoung... wahsiudhauiw fruit punch"

They started laughing then someone else chimed in "I don't think we should uwhaidhs at the Homecoming Queen announcement wuadska" she stopped to laugh, "mwaoaswaio pretty hkjashdow justice asjdiowa watermelon".

They continued, this time much more clear for whatever reason "i agree, she deserves it, that rat"

It doesn't take a genius to piece together the puzzle through the limited words I could understand. They're planning something against Wonyoung with fruit punch and a watermelon? I had to stop them somehow. I had to wait it out a bit though since there were too many people around to act. I had to wait until they were somehow isolated. That moment came when we entered the bathroom (yes, I know. They might've been plotting something against her but to beat them up in a bathroom is filthy...on second thought, maybe not all that bad). I locked the door as I came in. Before they could go along their business, I confronted them.

"Hey. I hear you're gonna fruit punch Wonyoung?" I announced.

"What's it to you?" Girl #1 fiercely retaliated. She was surrounded by the other two girls behind her. Girl #2 was twisting a lollipop in her mouth. Girl #3 was trying to scare me off by cracking her knuckles.

"I'm..." I paused. I didn't want to state that I was her date. "I'm a friend."

Girl #1 scoffed, "alright dude" she walked past, bumping my shoulder. 

I grabbed her arm and pulled her back in front. "I'm warning you. Don't you lay a finger on her."

"Girls look at this, someone is trying to be Mrs. Superhero." they all started laughing at me. "Ooooh I'm soooo scared!!!" they mocked.

They didn't seem threatened so I pulled out the Yujin special: I started punchin'. It only took three punches to one of them before they broke. She confessed everything: how they hold a grudge against Wonyoung for kicking them out the cheer squad and their grand plan to bomb her with fruit punch (so that it stains her dress), then crack a watermelon on her head (?). That was certainly a plan, especially the watermelon bit. Nothing is more embarrassing then getting struck with a watermelon; I kept that in my mental notes for later. One more punch is all it took to reveal more about the plan like the specifics and where they kept the fruit punch and watermelon. 

With all that information, I left them alone and went off to search for the lost treasures of fruit punch and... a watermelon. They said that they were held behind the stage. I went backstage and found them lying there next to a box full of fish (the cut-outs obviously). I carried them stacked on top of each other with both my hands so I couldn't really see where I was going. As I rounded the corner, I completely smacked into someone and knocked her over.

"Hey sorry man" I said as I walked around

"YU. JIN. AN." a very angry voice shouted. I know that voice. It sounded like a dove on a bright summer day. It was Wonyoung.

I very slowly turned around, in fear of the outcome I would have to come face-to-face with. She stood there, arms crossed, left foot tapping rapidly on the floor, death stare. I was used to seeing this from my mom, sometimes my dad, definitely from teachers, but for some reason, this one was different. It actually instilled fear in me.

"heyyyy" I squeaked

"You want to tell me why you were so late? AND WHY YOU'RE HOLDING A WATERMELON?"

I knew I had to tell her the truth. Not the real reason I was late of course, I lied that Yuyeon broke something and kept me occupied, but I did tell the truth about the girls and their plan. That seemed to resolve her anger. Although she was still suspicious, I mean who wouldn't? I couldn't blame her. After a dreadfully long pause, she held out her hand. I truly thought she was gonna slap me but she just grabbed my wrist, "c'mon let's dance".

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