{22}-Double-Double Date

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**Wonyoung's POV**

"Hey Youngie~, wanna come inside and eat ramen?" I heard from a distance.

I hurriedly turned around to see Yujin firmly standing there waiting for me to run to her. I began to jog over when I heard a door burst open.

"UNNNNIEEE!!!" Leeseo shouted. She ran out and tackled me in a hug from behind. She climbed onto my back like she was a monkey.

"Leeseo!!!" I excitedly shouted as I saw my younger sister again after so long. I looked at Yujin with regret as we know the ramen dream is dead.

"Hi Yujin!" she waved. Yujin gave a her a quick nod. "Hurry up, mom made food and its cold out here." she shivered.

I mouthed back to Yujin "I love you," and headed inside.


Much like what happened at Regionals, Coach gave us the day off on the day before Nationals. We worked double, no, triple, no QUADRUPLE times as hard for this compared to Regionals. Regionals was just against other schools in Seoul, but now we had to compete against schools from all over Korea. I think that doing this double-date again was going to be even greater than last time. The main reason is because it's actually a double date this time. Secondly, this time I really needed to relieve my stress. Nationals happened to arrive at a time close to our finals, so while practicing for cheer, I also had to study for all my other classes. It was exponentially worse when it ALSO happened to come at a time when college decisions came in. I applied to many colleges but my main goal is Yonsei University. I already got into most of my "safety" schools but I honestly wasn't the most interested in attending those. I've always planned out every detail of my life, but events over the course of this year, added some unexpected issues, or dare I say, issue. An Yujin. There was nothing more I wanted than to go to college with her. This desire even almost challenged my plan to attend Yonsei. Almost... Nevertheless, if I somehow do manage to get into Yonsei, Yujin and I would have to separate since she didn't apply and, being completely real, with her academic record, it would be hard for her to even get into a decent university except the one major college that she did apply to, Yonsei's rival, Korea University. Although she has some pretty bad marks on her academic history with all her vandalism and bullying charges, she felt very confident in her chances of getting in because her mom, who's an alumni, has some connections, but other than that, she really only applied to more basic, general colleges. Even with her mom being an alumni, Yujin's chances of getting in were slim. She tried not to let it show, but I could easily decipher her expressions; she was worried. That transferred to me as well, I just want what she wants. Enough of this stressful college stuff, we're still in high school aren't we? Let us venture forth!

We faced a similar dilemma of not knowing where to go. We gathered at the same café, brainstorming places over cups of Boba tea and bread. While thinking, we played a game of Monopoly. That didn't help since we all started arguing with each other. I quickly lost first. I'm not the best at games to be honest. Liz ended up winning after some insanely bad luck from Yujin who kept rolling into her Red Properties. Rei, for some reason, had a very cool reaction to losing after me: just a simple "it is what it is" even though she literally had the worst luck when it came to rolling. She had the two blues yet still didn't win. I would rage and throw the board if that were me. Not everyone can be as chill as Rei it seems. That Monopoly game took a while to finish so we were running out of time, despite intentionally starting our day early. After much deliberation, we decided to just go to the mall and spend the day there. The mall was very close by; maybe a 10 minute drive. The mall has various activities to do so we were sure there was something for all of us to do.

We all packed into Yujin's car. She recently got her driver's license and has been wanting to take us somewhere fun. I was so happy that she got her license though; I could never! The responsibility of driving people around makes me anxious. While driving, Yujin had one hand on the wheel casually steering while her other arm was rubbing my thigh, reassuring me that life was going to be okay; calming down my nerves from everything like college and Nationals. Liz and Rei acted like our children sitting in the back seat. They were bickering and yapping about the random things they saw us drive by. After some time, we finally reached the mall. It took a while for Yujin to get her parking right, granted she was a rookie, so I suppose that's alright for her to be iffy on that aspect. I could tell by her expression that she was embarrassed though. As she kept readjusting the car, her tongue slipped out, staying frozen peeking out the side of her mouth as she concentrated.

We started off by going to the movie theater first. They were re-running a showing of Extreme Job. It was one of Yujin's favorite movies so we all decided to watch it. Liz and I waited in our seats as Yujin and Rei got all the snacks. They came back with 2 tubs of buttered popcorn and drinks. Rei and Liz ate caramel popcorn, while I preferred regular buttered popcorn. Yujin even bought me a cup of Dibs- those are always great. The movie was great! I couldn't stop laughing! I'm sure Yujin got tired of me hitting her when I laughed. I noticed that was a habit of mine; smacking someone's shoulder whenever I laughed.

The movie was an enjoyable time but now we made way to go shopping around. There were some absolutely gorgeous attire that I had to try out. It eventually got to a point where, there was too much stuff I wanted to buy so I had to start limiting myself. I bought a red blouse and a white sundress. Liz bought a hat and gray sweatpants, while Rei got herself a new pair of green tennis shoes. I had to push and beg Yujin to get these shoes that she secretly wanted; a pair of dark blue shoes that was a bit pricey but you know when everyone else buys something and there's just that one person who hasn't? We all joined forces to gaslight her into making the decision.

The sun was still out; 6:02. Rei saw that there was an escape room and suggested we try it out. I've always loved escape rooms. I've only done them with my cousins so I haven't had much of a varied group of people, but I was always the carry. I love doing these logic puzzles and riddles. Something about thinking out-of-the-box is so fun! Our escape room plot was based off of being in an asylum and we had to escape by getting hints and whatnot. Although, I had a great time deciphering these riddles, Yujin did not share the same taste that I had. Whereas I excelled in the escape room, Yujin became very irritable and frustrated when she could not help us out to solve the room. She looked cute being lost and expressing her disdain for the "stupid riddles" that populated the room.

After the escape room, we settled at the food court to eat dinner. Yujin and I shared a box of Panda Express: noodles, orange chicken, and kung pao beef. Yujin even went out of her way to get me an almond pretzel from Auntie Anne's; MUCH BETTER than that disgusting Wetzel's Pretzels. Liz and Rei both got a subway sandwich as they were much hungrier than me and Yujin.

The roles swapped in our last activity of the day: PC Bang. Yujin was an ace in every game we played, while I was... there. Video games are just not my forte. We played a lot of team games both 4v4 and 2v2. We played a several duo games to get revenge on LizRei for beating us at camp. This time, there was no competition, Yujin was just too good at them and she carried us to the victory!


We finally went home when it was fully dark out. It was all too familiar; us two alone at night about to get home.

"So.... do you want to get some ramen...?"


I strutted back home without looking back as if I was a movie star walking away from an explosion. Any other day, I would've said yes, but I honestly just wanted to get some good rest for tomorrow.

"Jang Wonyoung." she shouted sternly. Oh no... did I actually upset her with that act? I'm so stupid. About to ruin my relationship for some stupid joke? I facepalmed.

"Y-yes...?" I tried my cutest pout.

Yujin approached with a devilish grin. "Come here," she pulled my arm to send me straight into her. She kissed me passionately.

"good night" she seductively whispered in my ear.

I should've said yes to the ramen.

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