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**Yujin's POV**

My family goes ALL OUT for Christmas. They are just really festive. I just think it's because my parents like receiving gifts from everyone. They've been subtly (not really) hinting at some things that they would want, obviously stating to me what to buy. My dad especially has been hinting at this new hi-tech fishing rod that is supposed to attract more fish? I don't know the specifics and frankly, I don't care, I just went to buy it. I walked into the shop and my god, did it smell putrid. It honestly wasn't too bad, but it was certainly a strong waft throughout the building. I quickly jogged to the fishing section and tried to find it. I was scanning up and down the rack of rods going from left-to-right. I stopped when I heard something from the right. One of the workers was trying to convince one of the co-workers to kiss him with a mistletoe he was holding over her. The lady was clearly above his league but I guess she got annoyed by him because she finally gave in and gave him a peck on the cheek. He didn't even mind that it wasn't on the lips. After she walked away, he started getting giddy and caressing the cheek. That was...interesting. I found the fishing rod eventually and quickly left to check out; I couldn't be seen in a place like this. Ironically, the clerk who checked me out was the same dude. The mark of the woman's lipstick was faded but still somewhat visible if you looked close enough. After that ordeal, I went to buy some more presents before the Christmas shopping got really insane in what I call the "Wild Week" a.k.a. the week before Christmas Day. I just wandered around the department store to find whatever for Yuyeon since she doesn't actually care what she gets as long as it's a toy. For my mom, I saw this jacket on sale for 35%, all the items she's hinted at were WAYYY above my price line so she can just rely on my dad for this year. I spent some extra time to look around other stores as well for my friends. There was these socks that I got for Rei that had chicks and footballs on them. I bought Liz a Harry Potter LEGO set since last I talked to her, she was starting a Harry Potter Rewatch. I even got Leeseo some mittens for the upcoming winter season. Gaeul is rich so just buying her something that she wanted wouldn't work, I needed to buy something she would never in a thousand years would think of getting herself. With this reasoning, I got her some medicine because that girl desperately needs medicine for how much she exhausts herself studying or doing extracurriculars. I had a dilemma for the last person: Wonyoung. For Wonyoung, I really did not know what to get her. Nothing felt right y'know? In the end, I got her this huge meter tall Pikachu plushie, a light grey sweatshirt, a pack of polaroid films, and a ocean blue dress. Just to make sure she likes my present. I mean she oughta like one of the three right?

**Wonyoung's POV**

The An's invited us a Christmas party a whole month in advance. I thought that was a bit weird but it's Christmas so they just wanted to give some time for us to think. That's what I thought however, over the past week, they have REALLY started to celebrate Christmas. They hung lights and tassels on the wall. They inflated big balloons of snowmen on their front lawn and set up a huge Christmas tree out front that was almost the same size as the house.

The day of the party quickly arrived. I got dressed in a mint green dress with a red cardigan over. I put on my cherry earrings and put a reindeer headband on. My parents prepared some presents as well, as a thank you for inviting us, especially since we haven't told them that we needed to leave early to go to my Uncle's house. They had a plate of pears and alcohol to bring to the party. We walked across the street and rung the doorbell. We honestly looked like a family of Christmas carolers. That embarrassment was soon over when the door opened. It was Yujin, wearing a sage green dress, a cute Christmas mini cape and a Santa hat.

She bowed, "Wonyoung! We're matching!" I didn't realize it but she's right, we were both wearing a green dress.

"Get a room" Leeseo snarked, walking between us.

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