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**Yujin's POV**

Wedding preparations are a BORE. Like JEEZ man, why is there so much random nonsense to do when planning a wedding? We have to buy dresses, money, think about food (and allergies), think about a venue, money expenses, think about the guest list and by extension plan where people SIT?!?!? And did I mention MONEY?!?!? Fortunately, I was marrying Wonyoung who may or may not be the most precautious and strategic person I've ever met. She took the lead in all the wedding preparations and this was for the best. She easily managed all of the tasks that we needed to complete including the excruciating job of thinking about who we invite and then where they can sit. As for me? I just provided the money and my ears. Every night, when we're both home after work, she would come and ramble on and on about what was running through her mind. I just leaned back and provided my presence so that she could get her thoughts out and then solve her own problems from talking to herself. She was so cute babbling on like that; the way her eyes sparkled with both excitement and anxiety, her soft voice constantly in the background like my own personal white noise, the way she jerks her arms and hands around when she's trying to prove her points, and whenever she would answer her own rhetorical questions.

I would have the same response every time she went too far down a rabbit hole: I grabbed her arms to stop her from going too unhinged and pressed my hands on her cheeks, "Youngie~ this wedding is going to be perfect. All I need for this wedding is you."

"Oh shut up."

Then she would grow more furious fighting herself and her ideas. Needless to say, my response never worked. Not even once.


Over the course of 14 months, I was lectured on various components of the wedding plan after Wonyoung finalized all the preparations with our wedding planner. It felt like every weekend I was sent to a new place for the wedding, half of which being dress fittings. Admittedly, this part I enjoyed. I may not have bothered with the planning aspect but the part where I can make myself pretty for my special day, I just had to focus up. I must've tried on hundreds of thousands of wedding dresses, but none of the dresses ever felt right. That was until I found the one. Much like when I saw Wonyoung in her dress at Homecoming, I saw the one. It was a simple, yet elegant sultry dress.

Wonyoung, on the other hand, already picked out 6 dresses that she wanted; probably from all her time looking at wedding stuff in the past. All she had to do was pick one out of the six. Despite her smaller sample size, she spent more time deciding on which dress to choose than I spent between the thousands that I tried on. She didn't even follow the result of the poll she made when she gathered all our closest family and friends to make the decision for her. At least...that's what I heard. I wasn't allowed to judge for myself because of that stupid rule that you can't see your partner in her dress before the wedding.

A real bummer to be honest.

With just 1 month left until the date: December 1th, everything was completely set in place. All that was left was to get married.

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