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**Yujin's POV**

I set my alarms early to prepare to take Wonyoung to her competition. The sun was just starting to peer over the hilltop. The sunlight burned into my eye causing me to wake up even before the first alarm rang. I'm one of those people who set multiple alarms in 5 minute intervals just to make sure I do actually wake up. I made sure to also take some protein bars and bananas with me to give to Wonyoung for breakfast since I know she can't eat much when she's stressed. I put on my jacket and sunglasses and quickly went over to her house. I rang the doorbell to find Leeseo answer.

"Aren't you like an hour early?" she wondered, still drowsy, holding a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal.

"Well...too bad" I made my way in and up to Wonyoung's room. She was sat in front of her makeup table with her cute lil' headband and pink varsity cheer jacket on. I laid on her bed, fiddling around with her stuffed animals, while waiting for her to finish. 



"Just a littttttle touch up..."

"You've said that like 100 times," I continued complaining. "It's been like 5 hoursssss!!!" I exaggerated, which I knew was one of her pet peeves.

"Just take a nap and I'll slap you awake when I finish!" she snapped.

In order to avoid any further conflict and to avoid a break-up, I turned to the other side and promptly closed my eyes, losing track of time.

Once she finished applying her makeup, we headed out to the car. We had a long ETA to reach the venue so I took it upon myself to grab an energy drink from her fridge before we left. 

We also went to pick up Liz and Rei, whom were also impatiently waiting for Wonyoung. It was like a mini road-trip; we had drinks and snacks and were just jamming out to songs the whole way there. Rei and I made a pact to try to destress both our ladies before we reached the competition. Rei found that singing was actually a very good destresser, so I had to endure all the damn pop music to take their mind off competing in that very small time window we had together. By the time Wonyoung caught on to what we were doing, we were already turning in, admittedly, running late so I dropped them off while Rei and I continued to find parking. Since this was a national event all across Korea, it was a much bigger place than where the Regionals were held, however there was still not enough parking spaces to accommodate all the spectators. I had to park somewhere far back from the entrance so Rei and I had a long trek to get to them.

Like last time, we wandered around the place as we waited for the show to start. We stayed in my car for a while, chatting while finishing up all the snacks from the trip. By the time we accomplished this, the show was about to start so we rushed into the venue. The venue was a large stadium with bleachers on both sides of the stage. The only vision granted were from the spotlights as all the lights were turned off. We squandered around and tried to find good seats or at least, seats near Wonyoung or Liz's family. Luckily, Leeseo knew me well enough to figure that I would be late and need a seat. They reserved some space beside them where Rei and I slotted in nicely. The show began with some junior cheer teams which meant showcasing younger talent from elementary and middle school before the real competition. These girls were damn impressive too. So impressive that I had to wonder what the other high school teams had practiced if these were only the youth. My leg started shaking uncontrollably from the anxiety that I was feeling. Rei must've seen me get more nervous cause she started patting my knee to stop my legs jerking around. After all the youth teams finished their routines, there was a 20 minute intermission which ended with the beginning of the competition. 

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