{9}-Homecoming (W)

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**Wonyoung's POV**

It's been 42 minutes and 38 seconds since Homecoming started and Yujin was nowhere to be found. I definitely circled the venue 60 times trying to find her. I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt: that she was here and we just couldn't find each other. That optimism was slowly fading out. It was even worse when I circled around and found Liz and Rei each time. That should be ME (and Yujin I guess). When I finally did find her, that girl, for whatever reason, was holding a bucket of fruit punch and a freaking watermelon! It must've been the atmosphere cause when I saw her, my anger just faded away (maybe an exaggeration, let's say half faded away) and I honestly just wanted to dance with her. I promised her that we'd have fun so we should. No point in spending the night in a Cold War. When we arrived on the dance floor, at long last, we danced the night away. I thought that I'd have to guide her in the steps but she held her own. I was surprised at how good she was at dancing. I didn't think that same person who sleeps everyday in Calculus and just sleeps all night could really shimmy that body but miracles can happen. After a while, I got tired from dancing. My feet were KILLING ME. Yujin somehow was still feeling energetic; must've been that nap she tried to hide from me. We met up with Liz and Rei who were also tired from dancing for 2 hours straight and were sitting at a table eating cake. It was a tasty carrot cake that I picked out from my favorite bakery. I was dying to nab a slice when I could. When I went up to check, it was completely gone. I think a tear fell and it was NOT from these dang high heels. 

At long last, it was 9:00; the reveal of Homecoming court. I was up for Homecoming Queen, which I silently really wanted, but I didn't really campaign for it since I was so busy. It was me vs. Kim Nari vs. Hong Seyoung vs. Yoon Yeonja. I thought Seyoung was a guaranteed winner since she was dating the star basketball player of the school. They looked like the favorites to win both King and Queen; the real "IT couple" of the school. They made all of us get up on stage and handed us each a sash and a bouquet of flowers. At least someone gave me flowers tonight. Anyways, they were starting to announce the Queen. I didn't think I'd get nervous but when I got on stage, with everyone staring, and the lights shining on my face, I did. 


"drumroll please..."


When she called my name, I couldn't even process it. I must've blacked out because all I remember seeing was a flash of light and the sound of clapping and them cheering my name. When I gained consciousness, I was in front of the microphone with an even bigger bouquet of flowers in my hand and someone was placing a crown on my head. I was too stunned to even get a word out.

"H-hello peers, ladies a-and gentlemen. I-I'm sorry, this is all just such a shock. I didn't expe-"

You may have wondered: "Wonyoung? why couldn't you finish your sentence?" Well dear reader, here's why. As I was stuttering through a disaster of a speech, there was a bit of a commotion on the floor. Why is that? Three women carrying a football bucket of Gatorade were stomping through the crowd, getting ready to toss it at me. It all happened in a flash. In my timeline of events: my name was called, I awoke in front of a microphone, I stammered through 5 words, 3 ladies had a tub of Gatorade, I closed my eyes in anticipation, then a tub of liquid was almost poured on me. That's right dear reader, "almost". The one event that I didn't mention was that it wasn't poured on me. I opened my eyes to see Yujin centimeters in front of me. Her hot breath masking my face. Her bangs partially covered the furious look of her eyes. I was so stunned, I didn't realize her arms were wrapped around my body to cover me. We stayed like that for what felt like centuries. I only shook off the confusion when I looked over her shoulder to see Rei charging forward at the girls. I, then, saw in my peripheral another splash of the Gatorade coming toward us. This time, I pushed Yujin aside and took the full hit. I got absolutely soaked. My entire outfit was damp and dripping with red Fruit Punch Gatorade. Rei and a couple of other kids finally took down the three girls and had them pinned to the floor. The other Homecoming Queen candidates helped us to the bathroom to try to clean ourselves.

Me and Yujin were alone in the restroom with some towels that they gave us to dry off. We didn't talk for a while, just minded our business as we tried to get all the Gatorade out of our hair. I decided to be the bigger person and start talking but to my surprise, Yujin began before I could get out my first word.

"So... that was..."

"something." I finished

She chuckled, "yeah... it was certainly not what either of us were expecting tonight huh?". She wiped her hands with the towel. There was more of that tension in the air; like the times when we just met and didn't know each other.

"Thank you." I blurted. "That was...great of you to do."

"Don't mention it" she quickly stated, "like really, don't tell anyone I did that."

"Oh c'mon, it was a heroic thing to do for a friend." I teased. That earned me a very slight smirk from her.

I sighed, "I'm pretty much dry now, my clothes are still soaked as hell though." I headed toward the exit. As I gripped the door handle, I felt something being placed on me. Yujin slid onto the other side and pushed the door open. The skin of her arms now exposed, I could see the bracelet that we bought together on Tuesday.

"C'mon let's dance." she said, this time, with her eye smile.

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