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**Yujin's POV**

I just transferred to this new school because my younger sister, Yuyeon, got an offer at some new preppy ballet academy. It really pissed me off how my parents decided to completely uproot our lives just for stupid ballet but I had no choice, I still had to leech off of them for a living, at least for now. Because Yuyeon has to attend some prestigious academy, my parents thought it necessary that I, too, have to go to a stupid preppy school so they enrolled me in some all-girls private school who "breeds the next generation of leaders". What a bunch of bull-. In any case, the school was just as I had thought: all little soft precious princesses, pink all over the place, and all conceited nepo-babies whose lives are all set in stone for them to inherit their parents' businesses. 

I was given a tour of the school on my first day, so I didn't go to all of my classes yet. The senior class president, Gaeul was assigned to be my guide. She seemed pretty cool; didn't really give off that annoying nepobaby princess vibe but you never know with those types. She came into the teacher's office with a cool and collected demeanor. She had on a badge on her shoulder that read "SENIOR PRES." which was attached to her blazer pocket. Her short black hair was cut just before it reached her shoulder along with a dark red hairclip on the left to keep her hair back from covering her eyes. She was holding a multitude of textbooks and a see-through Ziploc bag of school essentials such as: my ID card, #2 pencils, a school water bottle, and my class schedule.

"This is Ms. Gaeul, our senior class president. She will be assisting you throughout the day" the principal said.

She extended her hand out, "Hi! I'm Gaeul and I'm pleased to help you out! Here are your required materials. Be careful, they're pretty heavy!" she plopped down all the stuff she was carrying on me. I assumed that she must be an athlete because there were a lot of big textbooks but she made it look effortless.

I simply responded "I'm Yujin." I couldn't make a bad impression on the principal... just yet...

"Let's head on and start the tour. Since you won't be going to some classes today, let's put these stuff in your locker." she looked down a piece of paper she was given. She pressed her finger on her mouth, "Hmmmm, seems like your locker is I-3..." she muttered to herself for a little bit before proceeding, "Alright, please follow me Yujin!"

As soon as we left the office, she turned to face me, "I know you just got here, but how are you enjoying the school?"

"It's fine" I calmly responded.

"That's nice! It says here you just moved from Daejeon, how are you liking Seoul?"

"It's fine" I responded again. I could tell she wanted to make friendly conversation with me but I just could not be bothered.

We walked past the main hallway. There were still some kids rushing through because they were late to class.

She pointed to some posters and flyers at the wall. "You can see some of the extracurriculars that we offer. Do you possibly play any sports Yujin?"


"Ahh... I see... what hobbies do you have? Skateboarding is surely one of them." She pointed at my skateboard between my body and arm.

I forgot that I was carrying my skateboard the whole way through. I gave a small fake chuckle "Yeah I like to skateboard."

"What else?"

"that's it." I started to become annoyed with her. She talks too much.

"Well, you can always join any one of our activities and meet new friends and find a new hobby!"

Gaeul continued with the small talk all the way through until we reached the locker. "So your locker combination should be 12-7-20, try it out"

I'll be honest, I was never really that good at doing these locker combinations, so I actually got a little nervous in all honesty. I tried it, but I failed. I tried again and still failed. This time I actually got a little infuriated plus embarrassed; I couldn't be losing my cool girl persona in front of the only student I've talked to today, especially someone as lame as the stinkin' class president. I tried another time- I really thought I had it this time, but I still failed. I didn't even realize it but I started to raise my fist to punch the lock until Gaeul grabbed my arm to stop me.

"WOAH WOAH, it's okay Yujin, I can just use the key to open it." She removed her hand from me. "So just remember, your locker is 'I-3' and you can just put any extra things in here that you don't want to carry around."

 After I put away all my things like my skateboard and textbooks, she took me around the important places I needed to be: all my classes, the cafeteria, the gym, and the outdoor field. The school actually seemed fairly nice and well-kept. Along all the hallways we walked through, I saw club posters and the sports trophies that the school has achieved. One girl kept appearing in all of them... Jang Wonyoung. Now THAT is a girl that fits the mold of these private schools. Preppy, pretentious, and downright infuriating. If I could, I'd like to show her a piece of my mind. It felt like she was in every club: Cheerleading, Journalism, Speech & Debate, Medical Club, Mock Trial, Green Teens, etc. (there was honestly just too many to even remember).

"Hey, do you know Jang Wonyoung? I see her in all these posters." I probed.

"Yes, I do. Wonyoung is one of the more popular girls in this school. She's quite the formidable student. She's a very active student in our grade. I actually believe that you have calculus with her." She studied my class schedule again and pointed to the class.

I get to see her today huh? Interesting...

The tour ended around the beginning of lunchtime, so I actually had the opportunity to ditch the first half of my classes. When the lunch bell rang, there was so much chaos from kids running around that I used the opportunity to just slip out and ditch school. I had to be careful though, there was still a guard patrolling the main gate. As I went to hide behind a bush to scout ways to leave, my foot knocked into a graffiti can. I smirked. Perfect. The first way to ruin the image of this perfect school. I picked it up and ran around the perimeter to find an isolated area to vandalize. I reached the back part of the school where the field and trash area connect, I decided this was fine enough. I shook the can and started to get to work: "Y wa-". That was all I could manage before it ran out. Good enough to start I suppose. I got tired after that so I just sat on a bench nearby, but before I knew it, I passed out. When I awoke, it was so quiet and when I opened my eyes, the old security guard was staring down at me.

"Excuse me miss, you need to follow me to the Principal's office". GOD DAMN IT.

The meeting with the principal went about as expected: "blah blah blah you're new and this is your school now blah blah blah you better start acting like Starship material or you'll be transferred out blah blah blah." After my meeting with the principal, I just went to my locker since it was already the end of the day. After multiple attempts to open it, I finally cracked it open. A note flew down, the shiny pink glitter trailing behind it. The note read:

"I've liked you ever since the 4th grade... I know we may just be friends to you, but I wish that we can be more... will you go to Homecoming with me?

-Wonyo <3"

"What a loser."

Confessions// AnnyeongzOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz