{10}-The Day After Homecoming

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**Wonyoung's POV**

Homecoming ended at 11. I was supposed to stay behind and help clean up but everyone told me to just go home; that I had a rough night. That honestly was true, a part of me felt guilty that I couldn't help out, but another part of me was glad that I could just go home and sleep. I probably wouldn't have left if Yujin didn't just drag me out by the arm. It must have been -30 °C out. I was only slightly kept warmer due to Yujin's jacket that she gave me earlier. I couldn't imagine how cold Yujin was. She didn't seem too fazed by the temperature; just keeping her arms crossed. It was a full moon out and the stars felt more abundant than usual. We continued on our trek back home, talking and joking about the dance. It felt like only 10 seconds had passed by the time we reached my doorstep. I gave back the jacket and turned to unlock my door.

"Wonyoung... today was..." she coughed, "it was fun." she said sheepishly.

"it was no problem" I responded. I went for a hug and shared a warm embrace for what felt like 10 hours; I didn't want it to stop... for some reason...

"Good night Wonyoung" she turned and waved behind nonchalantly.

**Yujin's POV**

Yes, I had to admit Homecoming was kinda fun.  I met some chill people like Liz and Rei and talked A LOT with Wonyoung. Some of the people here aren't as bad as I thought. Alas, those three are in sports and are popular so I doubt I'd talk to them much at school. It was the next week after Homecoming, so I was finally rested up from the chaos from Friday night. It was already getting late by the time I woke up. I quickly showered and headed out to school. I stuffed a piece of toast in my mouth and walked out my door. I turned around after locking the door and saw Wonyoung standing outside. It looked like she had been waiting patiently for a while. She offered me a bottle of banana milk.

"Let's go" she said sweetly.


As we approached the school gates, there were banners all around of Wonyoung: "Our Homecoming Queen". She got more publicity than usual as well since people started gossiping about the Gatorade attack: how she endured it then still came back moments later to enjoy the dance regardless. Obviously Wonyoung got a lot of attention since she is the Homecoming Queen, but now I had attention? To explain, we walked together to her homeroom because she wanted to go to class early to ask for some homework help. After she left, I sat nearby waiting for her. I thought the attention would fade away around me, but it actually got even more apparent. There was an aura around me which zoned away everyone yet they still kept staring and murmuring to each other. A group of younger girls creeped up to me: "Are you... are you Wonyoung's girlfriend?". I froze. Girlfriend? Girl, yeah. Friend, I'm thinking about it. Friend that's a girl, I guess? "Girlfriend"? I...don't...know...? I stuttered trying to muster an answer. Suddenly, a booming voice came from the end of the hallway.

"Alright girls! Let's go to class alright?" I turned to see Gaeul. I have never been happier to see the class president. She tapped them on the shoulder to signal them to walk away. With no real response, they did as told.


"Yeah, no problem. The little ones are very excitable when it comes to all this drama. You have to scare them off." Gaeul replied.

We shared a laugh. 

"How did you like the dance? I wasn't there but I hear there was quite the commotion with you."

I recapped the whole night. I even included the part about the three girls in the bathroom. I obviously left out the part where I beat them up and left them on the floor, couldn't be telling the president about that.

"So you and Wonyoung seem close." she reasoned.

"Yeah. She is... she's..." I stopped as I tried to find the right word to describe her. Before I could, the bell rang for 1st period. Since we had the same homeroom, I walked with Gaeul to class. With Gaeul around me, every girl stopped gossiping around me, so at least I didn't have to hear it apparently.


The attention around me continued the entire day. It got worse whenever me and Wonyoung were in even remotely similar areas. It got so annoying that I just decided to go walk around campus to find an isolated place where I wouldn't be pestered anymore. I wandered around carrying a slice of cheese pizza. I ended up at the soccer field. To my surprise, there were also some other girls there but they seemed preoccupied with their conversation, they didn't even notice me. I sat there for a while enjoying the silence that I was finally granted for the day. A felt a sudden tap on my shoulder. It was this girl who was in my Physics class. She was a quiet and shy girl; I never saw her do much besides studying. It was a shock that she even approached someone especially me.

"C-can you h-help me with this problem?" she showed me our physics homework and pointed to the last question. What gives. People dare to ask me for homework help now?

"What makes you think I would help you huh?" I said, admittedly angrily.

"I-I-I-I'm sorr-" she quickly replied, obviously scared now

"No, it's my bad, I think the answer is B." I apologized. 

She scurried away. I had to think to myself, "Am I a good person now?". My friendship with Wonyoung is weakening my image. People actually approach me now. I kept thinking to myself about this new change in the "school hierarchy". I grew frustrated and decided I needed to get my edge back. I pulled out the graffiti cans in my backpack and started drawing over the wall. As I proceeded, I felt my old personality coming back. I felt very accomplished when I walked back to admire my art. It was a fairly basic image that was drawn over the school logo. I included my signature mark: "YJ WAS HERE"


Now it was the moment I've been dreading. I'm sure Wonyoung has been dreading as well. Calculus. The only class we have together and where we sit next to each other. I went to class late as usual. As soon as I opened the door, all eyes were on me. It felt as if I was having a presentation. I tried to act nonchalant walking to my seat. Wonyoung was already there talking with the kids in front of us. Despite going to school together, we didn't even see each other the whole day since I left her in the morning. Class continued as usual but it just felt like much more pressure; like all eyes were constantly on us instead of the board. As soon as the school bell rang, I rushed out of class in order to avoid being bombarded by our "fans". I met Gaeul on the way out. She was carrying a stack of folders and files big enough to cover the majority of her face. I offered to help her and carry part of the stack. We headed to the Teacher's Office to drop these off. Fortunately, with Gaeul, I had no more attention. Being Class President had a special perk: everyone fears the president because they want to get in good with her. Although I don't know why they're trying so hard to get on her good side. I guess that's why Gaeul always has people around her. I wonder how many of those girls she considers actually her friends. Gaeul is really nice from what I've experienced. She's even friendly to me as essentially a stranger and knowing my past records. We dropped off the files quickly and as we were walking back from the Teacher's Office, I heard a growl. I slowly turned to her. Her eyes met mine. She looked embarrassed hugging her stomach. 

"Let's go get you some food" I teased.

We went to eat at a nearby snack shop. We spent some extra time even after finishing up the food to talk. I got to know about her and her background. She's from a wealthy family but works hard to prove herself, the schemes she pulled as a kid to rebel against her parents, how she spent Homecoming night at some lame fancy celebration dinner for her father, and how she wants to become a doctor in the future. Afterwards, we each went our separate ways. I couldn't help but admire about her on my walk back. I felt a strange familiarity with her somehow even if we don't really have much in common.

Confessions// AnnyeongzDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora