{6}-Becoming Acquainted

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**Yujin's POV**

After I left school, I hit the skate park to try out some new tricks I've been thinking about. It was relatively still bright out. I looked at my watch: 5:09. My parents are still moving in probably and I did not want to get home yet because I'd be forced to move boxes around. I spent about a hour there, even meeting up with some old skater buddies of mine. I hung around until I started to get hungry so I decided to go home. When I reached home, it was about 6:27. Mom usually finishes cooking dinner at like 6 but since she had to move today, I hoped that she started later so that the food would still be hot by the time I arrived.

When I got in, I saw that they did a fine job decorating it; it even looked like I was happy to be in this household. The house was much bigger than our old one; it even had two stories. The living room is the room you enter into when you enter the house and the kitchen was right behind it, all in the same room; no walls separating it. There was a small hallway to the right-side where my parent's room is at. The staircase leading up to the second floor was directly to the right of the front door, which is where mine and Yuyeon's rooms are. There was a small balcony where Yuyeon had already set up her play area at. The worst part of it is that Yuyeon constantly leaves her toys on the floor so all of us end up tripping over them and DON'T get me started on the LEGOs. They already put in the new couch that we got when we moved since our old one was practically just a pile of stuffing from how old it was. Dad was setting up the TV while Yuyeon was sitting at the dining table playing on her iPad. They already had all of the familial decorations up as well: the family photo, our baby pictures, dad's awards from his work, and their graduation certificates. The one thing I noticed that wasn't there though was food. Mom explained that she didn't cook food because the nice family across the street invited us over to welcome us to the neighborhood. They made me take a shower so that I could appear good to the neighbors. I was so hungry that I just did as asked. I changed into a ripped-up baggy gray sweater with a picture of a very sad looking bulldog, black sweatpants, and wore my glasses since I took off my contacts. While my dad finished up on setting up the TV still, I took the time to braid Yuyeon's hair into pigtails since she wouldn't shut up about it (I think she saw some girl with it in her YouTube video).

When dad finally finished setting up his prized smart TV, we headed out to the neighbor's house. We rang the doorbell and it seemed like the family was waiting on us since it opened instantly. I checked my phone real quick before I went in because I wanted to check in on my Clash Of Clans village (yes I know, shut up about it, I'm not just going to quit with my Town Hall 13). By the time I looked up from my screen, the door was closing. I stuck my hand out to stop it before it closed. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a big shiny forehead, then I saw her eyes. They looked kind of familiar but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. That is until she opened the door all the way and I realized why. It was that damn kid Wonyoung again. 

I couldn't believe my eyes. Why the hell do I keep running into her? She had her hair in a ponytail and was still in her school uniform so I guess she hasn't showered yet. She moved out of the way so I could walk in.

"So we meet again" I deviously whispered, patting her shoulder.

"Just shut up and get in so I can eat" she responded. OUCH seems like someone's got a little fire in her.

I observed around the décor. They looked like a typical middle-class family. Wonyoung went to talk to her sister on the couch. Yuyeon already introduced herself to Wonyoung's sister as well.  Mom gestured me to come sit at the dinner table.

I heard a loud clap "SO looks like everyone is here! Shall we begin dinner? Today we prepared grilled beef and there is some rice in the cooker there if you want." Mrs. Jang announced. She walked over and grabbed the side dishes with Mr. Jang. Yuyeon and Wonyoung's sister were already talking and sat down together. She looked no younger than maybe 15? She had on a white Dragon Ball Z T-shirt with overalls on top. My parents sat opposite of the Jang's at the front of the table sitting aside my sister. So the only other place to sit was...... next to Wonyoung.....

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