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**Wonyoung POV**
I walked back home dazed from what had just occurred. I slipped it in the wrong locker?!? How could I be so foolish? I soon turned the corner into my street: Produce Ave. It wasn't particularly fancy like where most students at school lived but it was quite homey. I heard that it was built recently so all of the homes are all newly made and haven't been lived in before. The neighbors are all very friendly, although it is mostly young adults whom are newlyweds so I mainly just became acquainted with them because my mom tried to assimilate us into the neighborhood when we first came. There were still very few people who live here that I actually like though. 

Mrs. Jo was the person I saw the most since she is always out gardening whenever I get home. She's married to Mrs. Choi, whom I don't see that much although sometimes in the late evening there's a commotion at their house because Mrs. Choi brings wild animals in; Mrs. Choi runs the local zoo and I guess Mrs. Jo is scared of animals. Why she would marry into it is anyone's guess.

The next family in the neighborhood are the Kim's (Chaewon and Minju); two sisters whom can't be more opposite of each other. They both dorm here for college at Record University. Chaewon is a musical arts major who has a stellar voice. I know that because she's constantly singing. Anyone like that is always annoying but since she has a honey-sweet voice, I don't mind too much. Minju is a theatre arts major, which makes perfect sense since she's so beautiful. She could be a world-class model if she wanted to.

When I turned, I saw a moving truck unloading. The couple that were moving in seemed nice. The man had a muscular frame kind of like a lumberjack but his face was stern with his circular-framed glasses shining from the reflection of the sun. The woman had on a dark blue blouse and jeans, her dark brown straight hair fell to just below her elbow. She was trying to talk to the driver, but her daughter was pestering her, trying to get her attention. The daughter looked very bubbly and cute. I thought she would be a great friend for my sister Leeseo. Leeseo is very introverted so I think I'll need to do a lot to get them acquainted. 

Still thinking about my dumb mistake, I facepalmed as I went to open the door. I was greeted with Hyunseo playing in the living room with the Nintendo Switch and mom was in the kitchen cooking my favorite: meat. 

"Wonyoung? Is that you?" my mom yelled from the kitchen.

"Yes mom, it's me!"

"Get ready. I invited the new neighbors to come eat with us!"

I took off my shoes and placed them on the rack. "Oh geez. Mom is already trying to make more friends" I joked to Leeseo.

Leeseo rolled her eyes "come play with me. Mom just bought us Mario Kart!"

"Umm sure I'll be down in a bit."

I ran upstairs to text Liz on "the incident".                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 5:12-LIZZZZZZ WHER R U?!?!?!?!?

5:15- yah wsp

5:15- did u fin dthe lettr?

5:15-thx for 2dy btw

                                                                                                                          5:16- LIZ IM IN BIG TROUBLE


                                                                                                                          5:16-I PUT IN THE WRONG LOCKER

                                                                                                                          5:16-I GAVE IT TO THAT EMO GIRL I                                                                                                                                           WAS TELLING U BOUT

                                                                                                                           5:17-THE GIRL IN MY CALC CLASS

We talked some more about what happened, I gave her the rundown: bumping into her, her being a brat, and that eerie last message she whispered. It still gives me goosebumps. She also gave me a rundown on what happened with her and Rei after I ran off. They were a bit awkward until Rei broke the ice by asking for Liz's official answer to the dance. She chose to accept despite still feeling guilty for me. Rei then tried to help find the ribbon and Liz acted along. While doing that, they started to plan their outfits together. Since the Homecoming Theme was Under The Sea, they talked about what could work with that vibrant blue/turquoise aesthetic. We started to scheme a way to confront Yujin (FINALLY I know her name now) tomorrow. Liz has this habit of trying to fight for me as if she was a knight in my princess kingdom. There was NO WAY I was going to homecoming with that weirdo. It really annoyed me how snarky she acted toward me when I just wanted to start a nice friendship with her or at the very least just be friendly acquaintances since we're seatmates in math. We decided to go up to her during lunch, maybe bring Rei along for some protection, and tell her that I won't go along with her to the dance. Liz was still texting me when my mom called me down for dinner.

I sped down the stairs still wearing my school uniform since I was so preoccupied with texting that I didn't shower. I tied my hair into a ponytail and took off my accessories, so I was just in a dress shirt and a skirt. Meat was my favorite and I'm always starving after school since I spent so much time exercising after school. I noticed that mom set up 4 more plates. I only saw 3 people moving in. Strange. Before I could ask her, the door bell rang. I went to open the door and saw the new family. The daughter was in the front holding her iPad, her hair now tied into ponytails. The parents were right behind with all smiles and holding a plate of grapefruit. I was about to close the door after they got inside when the door stopped. I peeked out and saw her. 


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