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I leant against the mirror, looking at the bags under my eyes. It made the blue in them dull, and from a distance I looked like a panda. I chuckled at myself before grabbing my claw clip and tying my brown hair back, tucking in the lose strands from the front. I applied some makeup, just to cover up my imperfections and then pulled up my scrub trousers and left the house.

It had been a month since the wackiness at the hospital, a month since my life changed and a month since John Winchester died. I felt guilty every time I thought about it, I knew it wasn't my fault but I knew it was going to happen and a part of me wondered whether if I'd have told the boys, it could've made any sort of difference.

Since that day, I hadn't seen many spirits, just the occasional flicker of an apparition but nothing that set the heart racing. That was until today.

I sat in traffic looking ahead of me, stunned at the sight before me. A woman, in a white dress stood in the middle of the road and as the lights turned green, I watched as the three cars before me drove straight through her. From where I was sat, I could see that she had long black hair and it looked like she had a blood stain on her stomach. I squinted, trying to get a better look at her and it seemed like she was looking at me too until a loud honk from behind me startled me. The lights had turned green and I hadn't gone yet.

I turned behind me and waved my hand sorry to the driver behind me and when I turned back, the woman was gone. I drove slowly across the road, hoping to catch another glimpse of her but she was gone. I drove the rest of the way home feeling uneasy, unsettled and slightly disturbed. My only chance at finding out what I really was had gone, Sam and Dean were gone. I had their number but I hesitated to call it, demons, ghosts and all of that was a can of worms I didn't think I wanted to open. I sat in the car park, tapping my fingers on the wheel just staring at the dreaded hospital building in front of me. Dr King had kicked my ass for being so late the day Sam and Dean were here, he called me insubordinate, tardy and irresponsible. He told me that if I didn't get my act in gear that I could kiss my shiny future goodbye. I went to the locker room and cried for thirty minutes after this and I swore to be better, to avoid handsome patients with supernatural connections.

"Can you hear me?"

I screamed as my eyes caught a glimpse of the girl from the road in my windscreen mirror. She was sitting in the back seat and upon closer inspection I could see that she had blood in the corners of her mouth and bruises around her neck.

"For christs sake!" I gripped my chest tightly trying to regain my composure, my heart thumped in my chest.

"Oh my god you can see me!" She grabbed the headrest of my seat and leant forward, her ghostly face right next to mine. I shifted away from her and turned to face her. "I knew it! I knew you saw me on the road earlier!" She was smiling wide, ecstatic that I could see her. "You have to help me!"

I shook my head and opened the car door, stepping out and beginning to walk across the car park towards the hospital. I jumped again as the woman appeared in front of me bringing me to a halt.

"Please. Help me."

"I can't." I walked straight through her continuing my way to the hospital. Looking over my shoulder as I opened the door, I noticed she was gone. Good. I thought to myself and headed to the changing room to report for my daily duties.


My morning was a blur of paperwork, blood pressure checks and the occasional IV insertion. The same tedious work that I did every day, and the more I did it, the more I resented it.

"Hartley, a word?"

I pushed up from my seat and followed Dr King to his office, sitting down shyly at the desk.

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