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TW- This chapter does have a mention of sexual assault. It isn't a consisting plot line and will only be briefly mentioned once in this chapter. The story is rated mature but I will still mention before this will come up in the story as I know some people may be more sensitive or affected by the mention.

"Hey, you good?" Sam knocked on the bathroom door and I wiped my face before giving myself a once over in the mirror. I sighed, my eyes were heavy from lack of sleep and my skin was pale. I hadn't been able to sleep much since the Djinn had caught me a few weeks ago. For some reason every-time I slept I continued to have dreams about a life where my parents were still alive and together, dreams where monsters and demons didn't exist. Each dream was different, the first night I went back to the mental hospital and the next day I started to believe that maybe I had made everything up but then the dreams changed to me being a child, or in college- my parents cheering me as I graduated. I knew it wasn't real, I knew that Sam and Dean were real but it didn't hurt any less to know my dreams were just dreams.

"Hey, yeah." I opened the door and slid past him over to the bed. "Where's Dean?" I crossed my legs and he walked over to the kitchenette picking up a mug and bringing it over to me. He sat down on the edge of the bed and I smiled taking a sip of the coffee.

"He's gone to pick up some burgers. I-" Sam frowned and I raised my eyebrows wanting him to spit out what he was going to say. "I've noticed you've been off recently, since the Djinn attacked you?"

I nodded and looked down in my mug. I trusted Sam, we shared a connection. It was strange, when he was hurt it was like I could feel it- more so now that I'd been experiencing visions like him. I sighed and then nodded.

"The place that it sent me too-" I pressed my lips together. I hadn't really explained it to either of the boys and I didn't really want to dredge it up but I knew Sam wouldn't give up asking me. "It's really messed with my mind. In this other place, I was a patient in a mental hospital, my mom was alive and my parents were together. They told me that I'd made all of this up, all the demon stuff, you and Dean, and- I- I know that it is real, but it's effected me more than I thought it would. Longer than I thought- I can't sleep properly, not that I got much of that before." I chuckled trying to make the words seem a bit lighter than the emotion they held but Sam's face showed genuine concern and his hand reached out to squeeze mine which gave me layers of comfort I didn't believe were possible. I really cared for them, Sam was like a brother to me in the most genuine sense possible, and Dean a good friend. I trusted both of them with my life, and they trusted me with theirs. I was thankful that at least amidst all the chaos going on that I had them.

"I remember when Dean was attacked by a Djinn last year. They put him in another world, where our mom was alive. I was engaged, becoming a lawyer and-" His face twitched at the word engaged and I frowned, squeezing his hand. "Engaged?"

He nodded. "Yeah, Jess. She was my girlfriend, the yellow eyed demon killed her."

I let out a heavy breath. "Oh Sam, I'm so sorry."

He nodded and smiled through the obvious pain he was feeling. "What I'm trying to say is, Dean struggled afterwards. He questioned things, it's completely normal. Your brain has been messed with so it will take time. Please don't keep it all to yourself though, we can help you."

I smiled and reached over giving him a warm hug to express my gratitude for his kindness. "I won't." I grinned, feeling genuinely happy for the first time in a few weeks.

"Cheeseburgers for everyone!" Dean opened the door with his back, turning around and flashing a large takeout bag. We all sat around the bed, talking about things besides hunting for once, just laughing and eating and drinking. It was lovely, until it ended and I had to try and sleep again.

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