Thirty One

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I knocked on the door, of the Cane house of horrors, my hands patting on my legs as I waited for Daniel to open the door. I'd called him on the way back from Ohio and he'd told me to meet him at his parents house as he'd been living there since they died.

I looked over my shoulder to see Sam and Dean still parked outside the house. Dean seemed shifty about the idea of me going to check on Daniel, and wanted to stay nearby just incase.

The door opened and Daniel appeared, he was holding a shot gun, aimed at my chest. I gasped and held my hands up as I heard Dean shouting from the impala.

Daniel sprinkled some holy water over me, then over Sam and Dean as they approached the porch. Once he was satisfied that we weren't demons he put the flask and shotgun down, but Dean wasn't impressed.

"What the hell dude? You don't just answer the door with a shotgun!"

Daniel held his hands up. "I had to be sure."

"You're the one who asked her to come you idiot!" Dean argued back and I reached out squeezing his arm. "It's fine." I looked back over to Daniel. "We can't be possessed." I lowered my shirt to reveal the devils trap tattoo that I had gotten after Sam was possessed by Meg. Daniel nodded. "Sorry." He said quietly and then looked at Sam and Dean strangely.

"Who are they?"

"They're my friends, friends that are gonna go wait in the car." I raised my eyebrows at the pair of them, they both started to argue but I hardened my stare and they turned and reluctantly walked back to the impala. Daniel let me into the house and I looked around, everything was the same as it was the last time I was here. Apart from the photographs, all of them had been taken down.

"How have you been?" I asked, taking a seat on the couch as Daniel stood awkwardly in front of me.

He sighed. "Good, considering. Um- the police ruled my parents deaths as suicide. I've been staying here since."

I nodded. "So what did you want to show me?"

He nodded to the stairs and I stood up, dubiously following him to a bedroom. Once he opened the door my eyes widened in shock. All over the walls were news paper clippings, red string connecting them. On the desk was a pile of lore books, all about demon lore, ghosts and all things supernatural. I frowned as I walked over, looking at each book in turn, it reminded me of me before I started hunting with the boys.

"What is all of this?" I asked turning to look at him, knowing how obsessed he had grown over the subject made me look at him differently, in more detail. He had grown a beard, it didn't look like it had been trimmed in weeks. He was wearing sweats, his eyes were hooded with dark circles, most likely from lack of sleep and too long staring at a computer screen.

"I've been doing my research, did you know there were things out there besides demons?" His eyes were wide. "Ghosts, ghouls, vampires and werewolves. There's a whole world out there that I never knew existed."

I walked over to him and placed a hand on his arm. "Daniel, please tell me you haven't spent the last month cooped up in here?"

He shook his head. "No, I'm not obsessed. I'm just intrigued." He walked over to the wall and pointed at a map. "Demonic omens, all surrounding this area. Electric storms, cattle deaths. I remember you said that a war was coming and the more I look into it the more I think I can help."

I nodded slowly, concern growing on my face. "Help how?"

He sighed. "I was thinking we could go to these places, check them out. Kill some demons." He smiled and I nodded again.

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