Forty Four

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Halloween was always my favourite holiday as a kid, my grandma used to go all out, she'd spray paint symbols all over the house, decorate the garden and take me trick or treating, but the second night started to fall I was ushered straight back inside for the night. It was difficult being the only teenager with a curfew only on halloween, hard to explain to my friends but my grandma would always tell me stories about how spirits ran wild on this night. At the time I thought it was all hocus, obviously now I know there was some sense behind her superstition.

I carved into the pumpkin on the motel table, I'd already emptied all of the seeds and slop from inside but all that was left was to carve in a face.

The door opened and I looked up to see the boys walking in, in their suits. Sam grinned at my halloween activities and Dean frowned before shaking his head and heading straight to the fridge to grab a beer, then plopped himself down on the couch with it and a bag of candy.

"Really?" I asked, barely looking away from my pumpkin. "After that guy choked down all those razor blades?"

Dean popped a candy into his mouth and just shrugged at me, I rolled my eyes before refocusing on the pumpkin. We'd driven down here after hearing that some guy had choked up razor blades, tons of them after eating some halloween candy. We thought it would be best to check, considering he died bloody and because of the time of year it was.

Sam reached into his pocket and held out a hex bag, I nodded, that was my first guess when we caught wind of the case. "We're on a witch hunt for sure, but this isn't your typical hex bag."

He opened it up and led it on the table. From where I was standing, I could see something silver like a coin and some sort of dried up flower.

Sam picked up the flower. "Goldthread, a herb that's been extinct for two hundred years, and this-" He lifted the coin. "this is Celtic and I don't mean some new age knock off, it looks like the real deal, like six hundred years old real."

I raised my eyebrow before looking back at my pumpkin, finishing off the mouth. "What's this?" Dean asked as he picked up something else from inside the hex bag and smelt it.

Sam chuckled. "Umm. That is the charred metacarpal bone of a new born baby."

Dean gagged and I held back a laugh before spinning my finished pumpkin around and grinning. Both boys looked at me strangely and I frowned, taking a second look at my work. "Don't you like it? It's a vampire!" I beamed and Sam nodded and smiled awkwardly whilst Dean just looked disturbed. I rolled my eyes before wiping the remaining pumpkin slop from the counter and grabbing a lighter to light the candle inside.

"Witches man, they're so freaking skeevy." Dean shuddered and Sam nodded as I walked past them to put my halloween artwork outside.

"Yeah, it takes a pretty powerful one to put a bag like this together. More juice than we've ever dealt with, that's for sure. What about you Faith? Find anything on the victim?"

I closed the door before walking back in and over to the sink to wash my hands. They'd tasked me to search up the victim, try and dig up some dirt but there wasn't any which is why I moved on to my pumpkin activity. "Nah, guy was vanilla, couldn't find any reason someone would want him dead."

Dean sighed and put his head in his hands before standing up and leaving to shower.

"Halloween not your favourite holiday?" I asked Sam as I dried my hand on a towel. He pressed his lips together and shrugged. "Don't really get much in the holiday sense when you grow up on the road."

I poured my lips, that was pretty sad. It was no wonder they both looked at my excitement as if I was crazy. "Which one is your favourite?" I asked, and he looked up for a second in thought.

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